Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 4, 2010

'This is impeachment-level criminal negligence'

In a series of posts, the Strata-Sphere provides compelling evidence that the White House implemented policies that led directly to a Jihadist terror attack and a very near miss.

I have noted many times that the events leading up to the Ft Hood Massacre and near fatal Christmas Day airline bomb attack were suspicious and incoherent with what this nation knew about three people: Major Nidal Hasan (Ft Hood Massacre), Farouk Umar Abdulmutallab (Christmas Day Bomber) and Anwar al Aulaqi (Yemen Cleric).

There are very important details about these three people which resulted in team Obama dismissing them as threats, even with the knowledge and evidence they were enemies of America and reaching out to, or supporting, bloody Jihad against this country. It was these details which were made a priority by team Obama, obliterating the mounting evidence that would have stopped the efforts of these people – if America had kept the national security posture of President Bush.

First off, none of these people were located in Afghanistan, Pakistan or Iraq. Team Obama decided early on to arbitrarily limit the geographic boundaries of terrorism, despite nearly two decades of evidence, going back to the Clinton years at least, indicating global Jihad had truly become ‘global’.

A timeline helps illustrate the disastrous policy changes that led to the Jihadist attacks.

In March of 2009, Obama's legal team adopted new rules regarding detainment in the war on terror. It redefined the rules for fighting conventional, uniformed armies to apply -- nonsensically, of course -- to terrorists: "...the president could detain without trial only people who were part of Al Qaeda or its affiliates, or their 'substantial' supporters."

In other words, unless you carried a laminated Al Qaeda membership card and decoder ring, you were off the hook. Members of Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Ansar al Islam, Abu Sayyaf, Jemaah Islamiyah, Fatah, Darul Islam, etc. were free to launch attacks, it would seem.

The new policies ensured that the Ft. Hood shooter (Hasan) and the underwear bomber (Abdulmutallab) could not be considered material threats because they were not confirmed al Qaeda associates.

What followed were the Fort Hood massacre in November and the related Underwear Bombing attempt on Christmas Day.

As the timeline shows, once the administration took its eyes off the threats it struggled, without any hope, to catch back up. It had tied its hands and blinded itself, and Americans died at Ft Hood. Ten times as many nearly died on Christmas Day. This is not coincidence, but evidence of a pattern of criminal negligence based on naive liberal dogma.

Read Parts One and Two to get a more complete picture of the outrageous malfeasance.

If the GOP can take one or both Houses of Congress in November, I hope and expect a wave of subpoenas will follow shortly thereafter.

Linked by: Michelle Malkin. Thanks!

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