Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 1, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: 'The Whole Nation is Watching'

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The uniter: Scott Brown’s coalition: Malkin
Certification for Me, But Not for Thee!: CFB
And if Dems refuse to seat Scott Brown?: HillBuzz

A report from the Scott Brown rally in Worcester: InstaPundit
MA interim Senator can't vote after Tuesday: Barnes
Democrats’ Plan for Election 2010: Cheat: PJM

It's the Lying, Stupid: Hanson
Hecklers interrupt Obama’s speech for Coakley: Hot Air
Patrick Kennedy doesn't even know Coakley's name: GWP

Coakley: Yeah, Scott Brown Is the Better Candidate: NLB
Coakley Snubbed Obama in 2008: Verum Serum
Graphing Brown's Rise and Coakley's Fall: Wizbang


Is Obama Employing the Cloward-Piven Strategy?: Laigle
America Doesn’t Need a Health Insurance ‘Czar’: PJM
Perfect: Obama bashed Brown's truck, made by... GM: GWP

Liberalism destroyed world's 8th-largest economy: California: AT
The Abysmal First Year: a Partial Listing: TAB

Climate & Energy

Meltdown at the IPCC: RWN
Climategate: The Truth Hurts When It Hits You in the Head: AT


"The Whole Nation is Watching": Power Line
Correction And More: Oh, Hillary, You Shouldn't Have: Riehl
Police Searching for Pedophiles Find WMDs in Scott Ritter’s Pants: Powers

Liberals’ troll attacks reach new heights over the Scott Brown race: HillBuzz
King Represented the Conscience of a Nation: AT
Jon Stewart vs. Rachel Maddow: NewsBusters

Misogyny is Funny! If You are a Liberal, That Is. (And If You’re Talking About Sarah Palin): RWN
Political Prescience Hurtfully Poo-Poo’d: Crittenden


Jihad and the Department of Dawah…er, Defense: Bostom
How Totalitarianism Came to Austria: NewZeal
Brainfart: Cindy Sheehan Protests Cheney's Use of Drones: BrutHon

Poor Excuse: RWN
More Racist Thuggery: JOdysseus
Royal Caribbean's Odd Decision: BrutHon

Ahmadinejad announces plan to "eradicate unemployment in 3 years" while dressed for bar mitzvah: Soccer Dad
Sad But True: Bad Bad Juju


McAfee: China attacks a 'watershed moment': CNet
Verum Serum Facial Recognition Contest: Verum Serum


Happy 46th Michelle: Sun-Times
Coffee and Pictures from Fresno: AmPower
Voting Democrat Causes Cancer: Cold Fury

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