This moving photograph shows Chief Master Sgt. John Gebhardt, superintendent of the22nd Wing Medical Group at McConnell Air Force Base in Kansas, holding an injured Iraqi girl. The picture was taken inOctober 2006, whileChief Gebhardt was deployed to Balad Air Base in Iraq. According to the Air Force Print News, the infant girlChief Gebhardt held in his arms "received extensive gunshot injuries to her head when insurgents attacked her family killing both of her parents and many of her siblings."Chief Gebhardt is now back home in Wichita, Kansas, with his wife and two children. An Air Force Link article about the sudden fame he gained as the subject of this photograph reported that:
The chief had a knack for comforting [the injured Iraqi girl] and they often would catch a cat nap together in a chair.
"I got as much enjoyment out of it as the baby did," he said. "I reflected on my own family and life and thought about how lucky I have been."
While deployed to Iraq, the chief tried to help out any way he could. He figured holding a baby that needed comforting that would free up one more set of arms that could be providing care to more critical patients.
"I pray for the best for the Iraqi children," he said. "I can't tell the difference between their kids and our kids. The Iraqi parents have the same care and compassion for their children as any American."
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid seems to have a knack for sentencing innocents to death and enslavement. Aside from his abysmal form of socialized medicine -- that will enslave generations unborn to untold trillions in debt -- he is infamous among America's military families for a quote that well nigh bordered on treason.
Just months after the accompanying photograph was taken, Reid abandoned all moral support for America's troops in the field.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday said the war in Iraq is lost militarily and "can only be won diplomatically, politically and economically" after more than four years of fighting...
"Now I believe, myself, that the secretary of state, the secretary of defense and you have to make your own decision as to what the president knows: that this war is lost, that the surge is not accomplishing anything," Reid, D-Nev., told reporters...
While lawmakers were outspoken in press briefings, several officials described Wednesday's White House meeting as polite for the most part, but pointed during Reid's comments that he spoke with generals who likened Iraq to Vietnam and described it as a war in which the president refused to change course despite knowing victory was impossible... Bush bristled at the comparison, according to the officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity. One quoted him as saying, "I reject" the comparison.
Reid is a disgraceful little weasel who has yet to apologize to our armed forces and their families. And, should his government-run health care bill pass, he will be long gone when the entire system implodes under unsustainable waste, inefficiencies, fraud and debt.
"This war is lost."
This is Reid's legacy. This is Reid's mantra. This is Reid's political epitaph.
Hat tip: Papa B.
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