Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 12, 2009

Larwyn's Linx: Sign of the Times -- Obamavilles Spring Up

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High Noon for Health Care: 12/15/2009
Fight: Red State
MO billboard warns DC: Prepare for War: GWP

Protesters greet Eric Holder on Long Island: GWP
Senate Health Care Bill Unconstitutional: STACLU
You Will lose your private health insurance: RCP

Once More from the Top, Barack!: Steyn
Obama's Latest Big Brother Plan: Hyscience
Can't Hide the Decline: O's New Polling Lows: RCP

Blago lawyers want FBI Obama, Jarrett, Emanuel files: GWP
I'm so awesome, I'll just grade myself. Hey look, I got a B+!: Ace


NYC Hospitals: Huge Salaries, Bonuses: S&L
Surging Zimbabwe Stocks: Our Future: Zero Hedge
NIA Declares Silver Best Investment for Next Decade: NIA

EPA carbon regs may derail cap-and-trade: AT
The Bureaucratic Dictatorship Has Arrived: Gingrich
Sign of the Times: Obamavilles: AT


Palin's Turning Point: LegalIns
The Funniest, Saddest, Most Pathetic, And Most Enraging Media Quotes Of The Year: Dollard
Lefty Media Implosion: Citadel - ABC Radio Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy: Equalizer

'Thomas the Tank Engine' accused of promoting a conservative ideology: Powers
Coward of the Day, Month and Year: Black & Right
Poisoned Wells: Law & Order: AT

Saga of Aspiring Rapper Somehow Becomes Even Funnier: JWF
The Conversation Continues: GM's Place

Climate & Energy

Must-read: Daily Mail Digests Climategate: Ace
'Botch after botch after botch': Toronto Sun
B & R Saturday Edition: Black & Right

Centre of the Storm: MacLeans
Swingin' Copenhagen: Dennis Miller
Animated Fallout From Climategate: The Autopsy

The Wages of Climategate: AT (Dunn)


Is America a Deer in the Headlights?: Hanson
Left's Slow-Mo Train Wreck Continues: Gormogons
Blair Sticks to His Guns: Invading Iraq Was Right: GWP

The Pathology of the Rich Socialists: AT


Your ISP's pricing plans -- without net neutrality: Unknown


How did Tiger keep his secrets?
Ask Spitzer's Babe: Post
When Snarks Attack: Michelle's Mirror

"...while Obama continues on his stately progress from one 4,000-word dirge to the next, [Harry] Reid’s beavering away advancing the cause of van Rumpoy–scale statism. The news this week that the well-connected Democrat pollster, Mark Penn, received $6 million of “stimulus” money to “preserve” three jobs in his public-relations firm to work on a promotional campaign for the switch from analog to digital TV is a perfect snapshot of Big Government. In the great sucking maw of the federal treasury, $6 million isn’t even a rounding error. But it comes from real people — from you and anybody you know who still makes the mistake of working for a living; and, if it had been left in your pockets, you’d have spent it in the real world, at a local business or in expanding your own, and maybe some way down the road it would have created some genuine jobs. Instead, it got funneled to a Democrat pitchman to preserve three non-jobs on a phony quasi-governmental PR campaign. Big Government does that every minute of the day." -- Mark Steyn

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