Thứ Bảy, 12 tháng 12, 2009

Larwyn's Linx: How to Solve a Problem Like Palin

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Health Care Reform by Hook or by Crook: AT (Feldman)
Keith Ellison's Non-CAIR-backed Challengers: Maggie
Judge: No Cutting Off ACORN's Shakedown Money: Ace

Go Home Congress!: Anchoress
Do safe schools require an iron fisting?: Morrissey
Little Dick Durbin's Army of Sgt. Schultzes: Surber

How to Solve a Problem Like Palin: Surber
Sarah Palin Breaking Hearts on the Left: Riehl
Medicare buy-in worse than Public Option: Fausta

Defending America

Confirmed: Obama sends Gitmo terrorists to... Illinois: STACLU
Shielding What?: Power Line


Another Pork-Stuffed Omnibus Spending Bill: Corner
12 reasons the job market is worse than you think: Pethokoukis
Omni-bust: "This is The Worst That I've Seen It": Corner

Do Nothing, Majority Says: ObamaCare as unpopular as it is monstrous: Taranto
Democrats' D-Day on Seniors: Hewitt
Dept of Transportation: 1,690 'Civil Servants' Make More Than $170K/Year: NRO


The 8th Annual Right Wing News Conservative Blog Awards: RWN
Whose Side is David Frum on, anyway?: Gay Patriot
Daily Scoreboard: Surber

Sarah Palin makes surprise visit to Tonight Show: note audience reaction: Wizbang
Media Belles at the Ball: Spectator
More on the Demise of Editor & Publisher: McClatchy Watch

Media Matters Authors 18 Articles Defending Kid Fisting Lectures, Kiddie Sex Books as Non-Scandal: GWP

Climate & Energy

Fables of the Reconstruction (Or, How to Make Your Own Hockey Stick): IowaHawk
Obama Tells GOP Not to Scare People with the Truth: FlAces
Something's (probably) got to give: Dinocrat

Climategate: One Must Ignore 200 Years of Observations to Believe in AGW: PJM
It's Come to This: Climate Kook Wants to Limit Births: JWF
Suppression of heresy at Copenhagen: Wizbang


Your Five Local Jihadis: Jawa
TiZA swings and misses: Power Line
Hmmmmm: Khattab Removes All Traces of Link to Ft. Hood Killer Hasan: Jawa

Bruce Bawer Reports from Copenhagen: InstaPundit
Asymmetrical outrage: The Egyptians build a wall, where's the outrage? : TigerHawk
No French citizenship for 'burqa' Muslims: Maktoob


Amazon EC2 cloud service hit by botnet, outage: CNet


6 Adorable Cat Behaviors With Shockingly Evil Explanations: Cracked
7 annoying photograph poses that prove you’re a douchebag: Guyism (NSFW)
Golden Geese Land in Oslo: Michelle's Mirror

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