Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 12, 2009

Larwyn's Linx: How bad is the Senate bill?

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How bad is the Senate bill?: Pundette
The Charge of the 280 Dems: Morris
As Long as Harry Reid Raises the Subject...: AT

Take This Paradigm and Shove It: Psychology Today
GOP Survival Tactic: Welcome the New Leaders: AT
Mad as hell... and not going away: WashExam

Where Not to Eat: DPU

Defending America

It Begins: Fortress Manhattan Prepares for KSM: Jawa
Eric Holder's Security Summit: for KSM Trials: SIGIS
Charges against Navy SEALs published: BMW


Obama: Let's Rein In Spending With Even Wilder Spending: GWP
Czar Obama takes aim at Congress, Economy: WashExam
Buchanan cops highest-paid in region: LoHud

"Initiate ‘Operation: Kommand und Kontrol’…at vunce!": Cold Fury
Did Obama Expose His Own Mendacity?: Power Line
Census Bureau Reports Collapse In State Tax Revenue: Zero Hedge


Obama warns GOP: stop frightening Americans about my policies: Hot Air
Today's Michael Ramirez: SondraK
Listen for the Outcry: Former Clinton Operative Taking Helm of Morning ‘News’ Show: NewsBusters

Climate & Energy

Darwin Ground Zero: The Data Was Faked: Ace
Eurocops: 90% of all carbon trading is bogus: TAB
The Politicization of the EPA — an Administration's Radical Gamble: PJM (Carlin)

EPA Must Be Stopped: Investors
ClimateGate: Al Gore's Political Tin Ear: PJM
Global Warming Data Fraud: Australia Has Been Cooling for 130 Years: BlogProf


Egypt builds giant wall, including subterranean metal wall, at Gaza border to stop Palestinians: Maktoob
Explaining Russian and Chinese Policy: From Communists to Super-Capitalist Merchants: RubRep
Wednesday Hero: CallPatriot

Lion's Den: Resistance to Islamization: Pipes
'Smart Diplomacy': Obama Snubs King: InstaPundit


Virgin Galactic Dubs New Ship “Enterprise”: Verum Serum


Most Tasteless Christmas Gift Evah: Jawa
A Test for Obama: ATFO
Argentina 2005: Thoughts on Urban Survival: Ferfal

What can O do for you?: SondraK
How dogs are man's better friends: Canines outclass cats by a whisker in the best pet test: London Daily Mail

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