Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 10, 2009

Welcome to Zimbabwe: World Economic Forum ranks U.S. financial stability 38th, currency stability 50th globally

The Democrats' game plan is working. They've already tripled the deficit, they're desperately trying to nationalize one-fifth of the economy with trillions more in spending and they're not done yet.

Economists are not pleased. The World Economic Forum has issued its 2009 Financial Development Report (PDF) and the news for the United States is decidedly poor.

...the impact of the systemic risk potentially created by some of these activities is captured only in the financial stability pillar; the United States achieves very low scores in overall financial stability (38th)...

Particular disadvantages are evident in currency stability (50th) and banking stability (36th) measures. The banking system in general also exhibits signs of weakness, with relatively lower scores in size (21st) and efficiency (26th).

Potential areas of improvement in the institutional environment include the strength of auditing and reporting requirements (25th), the regulation of securities exchanges (29th), and public trust of politicians (26th).

Trust in politicians? I didn't know an instrument existed that could measure trustworthiness in the likes of Pelosi, Reid and Obama.

Welcome to the third world, courtesy of the outstanding leadership of the National Socialist Democrat Party.

Linked by: InstaPundit, Gateway Pundit and Mark Levin. Thanks!

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