Chủ Nhật, 11 tháng 10, 2009

Larwyn's Linx: The Truth About the Baucus Bill

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email or reply via Twitter.


The Truth About the Baucus Bill, Part I: Examiner
Ship of Fools: Obama's Intimates and Advisers: AT
Yale Chose Sharia over Constitution: Examiner

The Democrats' War on Specialists: Protein Wisdom
U.S. flag modified to include Obama iconography: AYFS
Democrats already making excuses for ObamaCare: Surber

State Department: Classless Louts: AT (Moran)
2010 Census: Still a Boondoggle for the Left: BigGov
Signs beg question: who's really astroturfing?: BMW


Unions, Lenin and the American Way (Part I): PJM
It's the Economy, Stupid: Gormogons
Government food stamps traded for Viagra, booze, porn: BlogProf

Liberals and Taxes: the Big Question: AT
Pelosi Channels Whoopi: Red Meat


LA Times' Rutten: Hell yes, Obama deserved the Nobel: Patterico
Dan Riehl Rocks the BBC: RSM
A Closer Look At Obama's Odyssey: AT (Cashill)

How This Ex-Liberal Found Fortitude and Her Way Home: MonCrief
They Think You're Stupid: JWF
Nobel tops SNL for Obama joke: Steyn

Climate & Energy

Even the BBC wonders: what happened to global warming?: BBC
ABC Kooks: Al-Qaeda, Taliban Helped By Global Warming: GWP
Record cold kills NL playoff game: Surber

Shale Gas Production Goes Global: Prairie


The Peace of the Grave: Doc Zero
So who else was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize?: Aces
Argentina's New Law Limits Media: Fausta

So, How Did They Explain It?: Power Line
Look who predicted Obama's Nobel on 9/8: AT (Lifson)
The German Health Insurance Model is Broken: Surber

Accolades Keep Coming In: Castro Praises Obama's Nobel Prize: GWP
More Stonewalling from the Most Transparent Administration in History: Corner
DeMint On Honduras Trip: Our ambassador is the only person I met who thinks there was a 'coup': GWP


Sidekick outage casts cloud over Microsoft: CNet
T-Mobile admits your Sidekick data is gone like the wind: BGR


Miss Omerica: Protein Wisdom
Help President Obama Win the Heisman: Woody
Southpark Mac vs. PC: YouTube

Imagining the Acceptance Speech: AT (IOTW)

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