Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 10, 2009

Larwyn's Linx: Obama leads SEIU chant, will 'Paint the Nation Purple'

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email or reply via Twitter.


Obamacare Invades Your Wallet: Foundry
White House shows gays the back of the bus: ABC
Uncovered video: Obama leads SEIU chant: Breitbart

'Conceptual language' hides health care's cost: Barone
Complaints about protecting the homeland: STACLU
Covering Fire for Islamist Movement: AT

How to Stop Thinking and Serve the Utopian Collective: Sanity
Maine, Tenn., Mass. Healthcare Plans Go Bust: STACLU
$250,000 suddenly is an insult: Surber


The continued revolt against SEIU’s home invasion: Malkin
Domination of all things non-profit: Tax Man
How ObamaCare will drive health insurers out of business: Surber

Christie's Campaign Tangles With Teachers' Union: NRO
Sunstein: Economic crises can help usher in socialism: RBO
A case for selfishness: Tackett

Sunshine scares academic-labor complex: AT (Lifson)
Union Organizing 101?: Riehl
Unions, Lenin and the American Way, Part III: PJM (Atbashian)


The WaPo's Unbiased Reporting, Chapter 9,639: Malkin
Another election, another set of bogus endorsements: Clark County
AP: Dems scramble after warning from health insurers: Surber

Administration's war on Fox News a boon for ratings: AT (Moran)
Bloggers in pajamas, unite!: LegalIns
Rush on Today Show: Obama has worsened racial tensions: GWP

Question for Local Media: What in the World is ACORN Really Doing?: Blumer
85 days after Gladney beaten by SEIU thugs, St. Louis newspapers attack him: BlogProf
Rochelle Riley of Detroit Free Press: Detroit's Savior must be a black man or something: BlogProf

L.A. Times Misses Huge Local Story Sitting Right Under Its Nose: Patterico
In all probability, E.J. Dionne is the most useless journalist in America today: RSM
MSNBC, CNN Slander Limbaugh With Bogus Slavery Quote; Rush Responds: GWP

Climate & Energy

L. Goober Graham's endorsement boosts climate tax chances: Times
CNN's Dobbs hosts rare climate debate: Depot
We have 1.2 trillion barrels of oil equivalent natural gas reserves... 60 years worth!: BlogProf

The global warming superstition is disproved — again: Surber


Columbus sailed amidst despair in search of hope: HNN
Nobel: a down payment for more pressure on Israel?: Tobin
Palestinians choose illusion of victory over negotiated peace: Rubin

Obama's War: Crittenden
A way out of the mess in Honduras: Barone
Prediction for 2010 Nobel Peace Prize: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Punky Kitten

Nobel Peace Winner Ready to Pay Off Taliban: GWP


Inside a Scareware Scam: eSecurityPlanet


Oh hells yeah: convince anyone to eat sushi: Doubleplusundead
Dr. Boli continues to flabbergastify, prestidigataterate, and hornswoggaggle.: Gormogons
New Obama flag for sale in White House gift shoppe: Me, Just Now

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