Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 10, 2009

Larwyn's Linx: Friendly Reminder from ACORN -- You're All Racists

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email or reply via Twitter.


ACORN Threw Out GOP Voter Registrations: Atlas
Friendly Reminder from ACORN: You're Racists: Hot Air
Behold: our first Omni-President: Examiner

Memo to Kevin Jennings, 'Safe Schools Czar': Zombie
Lawmaker to Obama: Fire Jennings Now: BigGov
The Trauma of Obama: AT

Pollsters pushing Americans to accept ObamaCare: AT
Perez Confirmed -- What Next?: Commentary
Frankenstein's Monster: ObamaCare's Individual Mandate: PJM

If You Like Long Lines You'll Love Obamacare: GWP
Firefighters lose large grant to ACORN: Times
Zombieland at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.: Aces


Lied to enough already?: AT (Arenas)
Obama ties Union strings to construction: Times
Voters Offered Tips to Profit from ‘House Flipping’: BMW

Tax-free Tyranny: LegalIns
Pelosi believes ObamaCare will destroy private insurance: Ace
The WSJ Guide to ObamaCare: WSJ

Is SEIU's Purple Brand Fading to Pink?: BigGov
House Speaker Rosa Klebb Doubles Down On Bat S*** Crazy With VAT: Soylent
Issa responds to ACORN's Bertha Lewis: BigGov

Jocelyn Benson (D-ACORN, SEIU) announces run for MI A.G.: BlogProf


FTC has no business in the media business: Examiner
Bill Ayers admits writing 'Dreams' for Obama: Examiner
CBS tries to discredit conservative blogs, fails miserably: JWF

How the VRWC really works: AT (Cashill)
Bachmann laughs at Olbermann's buffoonery: GWP
Begala to Obama: Listen to me, dummy: Hewitt

Another prestigious error from the Atlantic: Kaus
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Demonizing Private Insurance Companies: STACLU
The evidence is in: no Republicans watch Keith 'Strap-on' Olbermann: JWF

Climate & Energy

Guess who's willing to spend $750B of your money to reduce CO2?: PJM
Antarctic Ice Melt at Lowest Levels in Satellite Era: WCR
Global Warming: Your Government at Work: BigGov

WaPo Trumpets a new AGW report: STACLU


Holder Personally Orders US Not to Seek Death Penalty for Embassy Bomber: Ace
The Anti-Obama: We Must Win In Afghanistan: GWP

This time, the Ghetto has Nukes: PJM (Chesler)
Organizing for America website depicts Israelis as the new Nazis: Atlas


Impossible CAPTCHA: It Doesn't Really Matter if You are Human or Not: SEO Smarty


Hitler "called Chamberlain an a***hole": Telegraph
The New Posters Are Here! Hope Floats: DBKP

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