Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 5, 2009

Larwyn's Linx: Now with Daisy Fresh, Genuine Larwyn!

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email!


EXCLUSIVE: Career lawyers overruled on voting case: Times
American education needs a monopoly-buster: AIP (Priestap)
White House backtracks on Sotomayor's Diatribe: GWP

Obama's auto taskforce calls Lauria a terrorist: WSJ
Would Sotomayor qualify as a juror?: Corner
Obama/SEIU Try To Stop Healthcare Ads: S&L

ACORN document drops reveal damning information: Wizbang
Get Your At-Risk On: Crittenden
It's okay when Democrats politicize Justice Department: PJM (Rubin)

Suicidal impulses of the American Electorate: Sanity
Is Dealergate about Politics and Racism?: Lamb
Ambassador "Vacuum Cleaner" Gets Company: LegalIns

Identity Politics and the Sotomayor Nomination: PJM
Judge Dredd's Grenade Launcher: Ace
Would you buy a car from this man?: GoV

Business & Economy

GM tailgating Chrysler bankruptcy: Times
The great auto dealer closure debate: B & C

Climate & Energy

Global warming and Antarctic ice: Examiner
Falsified data at Nature: Watts


Robert Gibbs should apologise to the British press for his sneering rant: Telegraph
Exclusive Interview with Michelle Malkin: Blatt
Dealergate: what we have so far: Red State

Rachel Maddow eviscerates Barack Obama for lying: CFP


Google Wave: A Complete Guide: Mashable


Checklist for the next four years: AmerDig
Hot: Lady Gaga and Small Wars Journal: Crittenden

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