Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 1, 2009

Larwyn's Links: "Come on, Obama, what kind of Democrat are you?"

Why does the New York Times love Hamas?: Daily Beast
Hamas in their own words: YouTube
BBC-owned station: it's perfectly okay to kill Israeli kids: YWL

Violence in New York: Atlas Shrugs
Hamas spokesman gets pwnt on global television: Israel Matzav
Senate Dems oppose energy independence: Bob McCarty

Hollywood Squares: The Anchoress
The Megapenny Project: Kokogiak
The Media collude in terrorist crimes against humanity: American Thinker (James Lewis)

Powering a Google search (much greener than the critics say): GoogleBlog
Global warming: What is the scientific truth?: Mainichi Daily News
Obama Global Warming Czarina's socialist ties disappear: Jammie Wearing Fool

Why Don’t I Care About the Palestinians?: National Review (John Derbyshire - 2002)
Today I am a Jew: GM's Place
The Peace Process is in Jeopardy? I wonder why!: Barry Rubin

Cool Cat: The Atlantic (Christopher Hitchens)
Californians look for the exits: Yahoo! News
Obama intelligence adviser involved in security breach: Kenneth Timmerman

A New Circus Comes to Town. They're going to need more than three rings.: Weekly Standard (PJ O'Rourke)

Is it too soon to talk about the failed Obama presidency just because Obama isn't president yet? That depends upon how quickly Barack Obama is able to apply the lessons he's learned from Management Secrets of the Illinois Governors. So far he's not doing very well. He has allowed America's current number one jackleg, crackpot, smut-mouth, slime-licking politician to give the Obama Senate seat to a lovable old African-American doofus whom no one has the heart to execrate. Roland Burris will be the kind of ornament to this year's Senate that the broken plastic Rudolph with its antlers missing was to last year's Christmas tree.

Then Obama took Bill Richardson--one of his earliest important supporters and among the smartest, most experienced, and, certainly, most affable of Washington insiders--and put Bill at the Department of Commerce... Even a Blagojevich knows that Washington isn't Chicago. In Washington you don't place a loyal and able political ally in some obscure public office to garner campaign contribution boodle from local highway contractors. And--oops, that seems to have been the problem with the Bill Richardson nomination.

Come on, Obama, what kind of Democrat are you? I thought Democrats were supposed to be good at this stuff. It's us Republicans who stink at political corruption.

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