Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 8, 2008

Exclusive photo: John Edwards admits affair

Eh, we've only been reporting this story since December of last year!

You can view the entire series by clicking the photo.

Update: Ace says that the mainstream media has crossed its metaphorical Rubicon. Emphases mine.

Did I say this was the MSM's Waterloo? This was their crossing of the Rubicon? This was their casting of the die?

I think I did.

As has often been said: They're not even trying to hide it anymore.

But in this case, they made the mistake of not-even-trying-to-hide it on a story that the non-news-following public was actually following closely. They knew all about this story. They knew it was true.

And they got to witness, many for the first time ever, what we newshawks see day-in, day-out: The media burying/embargoing/blacking out stories based on personal and political rooting interests.

They do this all the time, of course. But for the first time, a substantial fraction of the pubic actually noticed them doing it, and must have been wondering, "What the fuck exactly is going on here? Why is this story being blacked out by so-called 'news services' which exist, supposedly, to provide me with information?"

This wasn't merely a crime; it was a mistake.

Nicely done, sir.


We may yet see it carved into the MSM's gravestone. Good riddance.

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