Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 6, 2008

Obamath: producing more oil won't produce more oil

USA Today quotes Barack Obama:

"Believe me -– if I thought that there was any evidence at all that drilling could save people money who are struggling to fill up their tanks by this summer or this year or even the next few years, I would consider it. But it won’t. And John McCain knows that."


"Believe me -- if I thought that there was any evidence at all that drilling for more oil would produce more oil, I would consider it. But it won't. And if you're stupid enough to believe that, you'll love my administration!

Taxes on "windfall profits"? Price controls?

If I were you, I'd print your gas rationing cards in advance.

Update: Only 60% of Americans want more drilling and refining, so the Democrats are sure to ignore the will of the people (since it benefits our national security and reduces funding for terrorism).

Update II: Reliapundit does the math.

Update III: Linked by Fausta. Thanks!

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