Chủ Nhật, 10 tháng 12, 2006

Scoop! Time's 2006 Man-of-the-Year, days ahead of time

It took a single, surreptitous email from an anonymous source to preempt one of the media's most anticipated events. Yes, Time Magazine's Person-of-the-Year is none other than Iraqi Police Captain Jamil Hussein. The mysterious Hussein has been a veritable Jamil-on-the-spot, providing crucial information to the Associated Press for many of its "one-of-a-kind" stories. Hussein is a human dynamo, a man's man, appearing wherever he's needed -- almost magically -- to provide sourcing for the AP's toughest and most controversial stories.

Hussein's latest honor is well-deserved. He's helped shape America's opinion of the War on Terror.

KEEP CONFIDENTIAL 2006 Time Magazine Person-of-the-Year: Jamil Hussein

Hat tips: BizzyBlog and Larwyn.

Oven-fresh good readin', just like Mama used to make:
Austin Bay: The AP Responds on Jamil Hussein
Confederate Yankee: Just the facts, Ma'am
Hip Hop Republican: Dr. Martin Luther King's letter
Michelle Malkin: AP: Still not off the Hook
OTB: Alec Baldwin: Oddly simple
Pajamas Media: 'Stop Questioning the Existence of Jamil Hussein!'
Patterico: Jamil Hussein Controversy in US News & World Report
STACLU: Weekend Free-for-All
USS Neverdock: Who is Jamil Hussein?
Wizbang: Hugo taxes toilet paper

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