Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 2, 2006

The Algerian Plague

Last month, Thomas Joscelyn, writing in the Weekly Standard, called out out some interesting ties between Saddam's regime and Islamic terrorist groups. One group -- GPSC -- is well-known to counter-terror outfits worldwide. Caution: don't expect to see any of this documented in your local newspaper because it runs counter to the CNN/Charlie Rangel meme that "Bush lied" and "there were no WMDs".

THE REVELATION that Saddam Hussein's Iraq trained thousands of Islamic terrorists has important ramifications for European counterterrorism efforts... last week, Spain arrested 20 suspected terrorists who are alleged to have been recruiting and funding suicide bombers to send to Iraq...

In November 2005, Italian authorities arrested three Algerians affiliated with the group. Authorities had been eavesdropping on the suspects... the intercepts revealed that the Algerians were discussing plans to kill "at least 10,000 people" and the possibility of packing a Titanic-sized ship with explosives...

...[French] authorities rounded up several members of the group who were allegedly planning attacks on the Paris metro, Orly airport, and the French intelligence headquarters. Press reports indicate that they had also considered a chemical weapons attack using ricin, but decided against it because it would be too difficult to carry out...

...Stanley Bedlington, a senior analyst in the CIA's counterterrorism center until he retired in 1994, explained, "We were convinced that money from Iraq was going to bin Laden, who was then sending it to places that Iraq wanted it to go." He added, "There certainly is no doubt that Saddam Hussein had pretty strong ties to bin Laden while he was in Sudan, whether it was directly or through (Sudanese) intermediaries. We traced considerable sums of money going from bin Laden to the GIA in Algeria. We believed some of the money came from Iraq.

Shhhhhh. No one tell the mediacrats.

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