Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 2, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Karl Rove and rich GOP donors wage war on Tea Party

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Karl Rove and rich GOP donors wage war on Tea Party: Scoop
Truth is Whatever Best Serves the Revolution: Loudon
Enemies of the Constitution: CFP

3 Reasons Why 7-Round Mag Cap Limits Are Good for Gun Rights: TAG
"Who Are The Police At War With?": OG&M
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ATF Loses Full Auto M-4, Undercover Informant List: MagNote
Obama "Compromises" on Contraception Mandate?: Reason
Chicago marchers: Obama come home to address gun violence: Reuters


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At a Minimum, Please Answer these Questions: Hayek

Scandal Central

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Author of "American Sniper" among the dead at Rough Creek: Blaze
Sen. Bob Menendez) following young Dominican girl on Twitter?: DC

Climate & Energy

Guess which giant special interest is really polluting Alaska?: Hot Air
Climate Astrologer Stephen Chu Steps Down: Cove
Why All the Fuss? US Carbon Emissions Lowest Since ’94: Morris


Arrogance Isn't the Answer: Reagan
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Hilarity ensues as Twitter users caption and Photoshop Obama’s shooting photo: Twitchy

Obama Operatives Training Media How to Sell Obamacare: RWN
Paperman: Driscoll
Acquainted with the blight: AmDigest


Containment Breach: Driscoll
NOT GOOD: Hagel doesn't understand the defense budget: AEI
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Sci-Tech (courtesy

Glow in the Dark Bicycles: InnovExc
New Antarctic research lab has extendable legs, can crawl over the ice: Engadget
US museum unwrapping mummy's story with CT scan: PhysOrg


“Skeeter” Obama on a Unicorn Hunt at Camp David: MOTUS
Loon Gunman: iOTW
Open Thread: MB

Image: Former SEAL, 'American Sniper' Chris Kyle Killed at Texas Gun Range
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Stand and Fight

QOTD: ""I don't understand Iranian politics," he announced in perhaps his least-misspoken statement of the day. But the Iranians understand ours, which is why, in an amusing touch, the Foreign Ministry in Tehran has enthusiastically endorsed Hagel.

Fortunately, Iran is entirely peripheral to global affairs – it's not like Chad or the Solomon Islands or the other burning questions the great powers are currently wrestling with – so it would be entirely unreasonable to expect Hagel to understand anything much about what's going on over there. So what of his other, non-Iranian interests?

"There are a lot of things I don't know about," said Hagel. "If confirmed, I intend to know a lot more than I do."

He then denied that "I will be running anything." Don't let the fact that the Secretary of Defense presides over 40 percent of the entire planet's military spending confuse you. He's not really "running" a thing – or, as he was anxious to assure us, "I won't be in a policy-making position."

Really? So what's the job for, then? Just showing up at the office and the occasional black-tie NATO banquet? Most misspeakers loose off one round and then have to re-load, but Chuck Hagel is a big scary "military-style assault weapon" of a misspeaker, effortlessly peppering the Senate wainscoting for hours on end. Late in the day, after five o'clock, he pronounced definitively: "It doesn't matter what I think."" --Mark Steyn

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