Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 2, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Dereliction of Duty: Obama Did Nothing to Save Americans in Benghazi--and Lied About It

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Obama Did Nothing to Save Those in Benghazi--and Lied About It: Breit
Amnesty to create millions more Dems--and the GOP wants this?: RWN
Karl Rove and the Cotton Conservatives: Lord

The Blame Righty mob falls silent: Malkin
Why are the feds loading up on so much ammo?: IBD
Rough Week For Libs: 3 Deranged Far Left Killers Make News: GWP

Benghazi: Obama, Hillary and the Astonishing Derelictions of Duty: TPNN
CA Dems Show They Just Want To Grab Guns: RWN
Nancy Pelosi: Push for Gun Control While We Have the Chance: Breitbart


DoJ lawsuit against S&P even sillier than first thought: Hot Air
Catholic Bishops To Obama - See Ya In Court: JOM
Jack Lew benefited from newly doubleplusungood off-shore tax policies: RS

Scandal Central

ACLJ's Jay Sekulow: No Tolerance To President Obama’s Leaks: RWN
No Matter Which Way You Turn In The Menendez Story...: Ace
Graham `Not Going to Stop' on Benghazi: PJM

Climate & Energy

EPA’s “sue and settle” scam: Greenroom
Leading Warmists: All Weather Events Can Be Blamed On Man-Induced Climate Change: RWN


When Crazed Shooters Can’t Be Linked To The Tea Party, Media Displays Admirable Restraint: Mediaite
How John Kerry Won, Then Ended The Vietnam War: Curmudgeonly & Skeptical
Fake But Accurate: Delusional Dan Rather Still Believes Forged Documents Were Real: JWF

NY Times Notices Obama Tax Hikes Are Crushing Americans, Fails to Mention Obama: JWF
Christopher Jordan Dorner: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know: Heavy
The Violence Of The Gun Hating Left: Extrano's Alley

Obama didn't answer the 3AM call: Fausta
Christopher Dorner has already won his war: Owens
We Are All Californians Now!: AmmoLand


"The most dangerous people we've seen in Europe for 70 years": ZH
Is This the Secret U.S. Drone Base in Saudi Arabia?: Wired
Marines Marching In Inauguration Parade Had Disabled Rifles: BlurBrain

The Foreign Aid Racket: FPM
Led By Pelosi, Dems To Bring Victims Of Gun Violence To State Of The Union Address: Cowboy
The Meaning Obama's Visit to Israel and U.S.-Israel Relations in Obama’s 2nd Term: BRubin

Sci-Tech (courtesy

Former Apple Human Interface Developer Speculates on Future 'iWatch': MacRumors
What on Earth is that thing on Mars?: Boing Boing
El Paso, America’s safest big city, shatters Chicago’s case for gun control: Exam


Traditions! (NSFW): Curmudgeonly & Skeptical
Is Brad Bird's "Tomorrowland" movie about that "UFOs are real" show Disney almost made in the 1950s?: JHM
Ex-Texas GOP Chairman: Rove Was in ‘Anti-Reagan Faction’: AmSpec

Image: Nancy Pelosi: Push for Gun Control While We Have the Chance
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Major Exposé Coming!

QOTD: "Total U.S. government debt in the form of interest-bearing bonds and IOUs to Social Security and Medicare trust funds grew 53% during the last four years—from $10.7 trillion to $16.4 trillion—and is now 104% of U.S. GDP. Due to the Fed's massive quantitative easing bond-purchasing programs, today's blended cost of government borrowing is 1.96%, much less than the historical average market rate of about 5.5%. By staying on the current trajectory of debt monetization and thwarting credit-market price signals, the Fed is setting the stage for this new bubble to burst. It may come from resurgent inflation, the Fed's sudden need to defend the dollar or the credit-rating agencies' downgrade of the U.S. As a result, there would be a sharp decline in the standard of living for all Americans, accompanied by regret for having ignored the warning signs when there still had been time." --Scott S. Powell

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