The Hope and Change We've Been Waiting For!: Power Line
Operation 'Fast and Furious' the last straw against Holder: AT
Obama's the Target of Mexico Gunrunning Probe: Hedgecock
Why Weiner was Dumped: Surber
“Why Aren’t You Speaking English?”: KRTH
Waivergate: How's this for a weekend news dump?: MalkinWhy Does Obama Want to Destroy 265,000 Jobs?: Foundry
IMF cuts U.S. growth forecast, warns of crisis: Yahoo!
AARP: Money First, Seniors Second: AT
Abolish the NLRB and the NLRA: Cato
White House Chief of Staff on Economy: Blurts out the Truth: Malkin
Execs Give Daley Hell Over Obama's Hatred of Business: Lid
Blunders and Bundlers: Obama donors want serious rewards: PJM
IL: So broke, they're selling ads on license plates: RWN
Climate & Energy
Scientists Agree, Salon Is Making Fake Claims To Spread Climate Change Hoax : LidA blunder of staggering proportions by the IPCC: WUWT
Shocker: Obama Admin Objects to Alaska Oil and Gas Development Bill: BlogProf
ABC on Terror Suspect, Everything But a Muslim: 'Marine', 'Marine Reservist', 'Ethiopian', 'Lone Wolf': NBWeiner’s woes: No skillz to pay the billz: Malkin
In lieu of prison, bring back the lash: WaPo
Is Obama playing political football with gay Americans?: GayPatriot
Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher Given Fake IDs --- a Weinergate Post-Mortem: Patterico
Palin Decision Expected Next Week -- Or Not: AmSpec
Palin for the defense: A judge can look at a kingmaker: Riehl
Cain: I left the RNC plantation a long time ago: Shark Tank
FBI launches manhunt forweight-loss physician accused of Medicaid, insurance fraud: Trib
The DOJ’s politically correct terrorist press releases: CreepingChristian Groups Physically Attacked in Dearborn, Michigan: Atlas
Saudi Women Drivers: They Shall Overcome: Patterico
End of the Middle East Christian?: Katz
Obama’s Full-Court Press on Israel: PJM
Madrassa tries to convert 8-year-old Christian to Islam; uncle who defended attacked for 'blasphemy': JihadWatch
Sheila Jackson Lee Diverts Islamic Terror Hearings Into Attack on Christians: MB
United Nations Endorses Gay And Transgender Rights, Islamic States Protest: RWN
Bond Market Rejects Greek Solution Already: Mish
Can the iPad Unlock Autism’s Mysteries?: PJMTime-Traveling Male Sea Monkeys Make Bad Mates: Wired
Top-rated reviews of the week (photos): CNet
Mr. Pinko presents: The Ultimate SARAH PALIN is a MORON video: iOTWPimp Suit Alert: James O’Keefe Will Be Crashing Netroots Nation Conference: TSG
In Reality, a Lightsaber Battle Would Never Last More than a Second: IMAO
Image: Zombie
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