Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 6, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: ICE memos open door to illegal alien amnesty-by-fiat

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ICE memos open door to illegal alien amnesty-by-fiat: Malkin
Was Fast And Furious A Gun-Control Plot?: IBD
Gov. Perry and the Texas DREAM Act: RWN

Politicians who refuse to resign: JPA
‘Gunwalker’ Requires Special Counsel Investigation: Owens
Jon Huntsman: McCain on Wheels: Malkin

The 1st Amendment isn’t a get-out-of-jail card: Surber
Rick Perry to Visit New Hampshire: RCP
Huntsman’s family gave nearly $25,000 to Reid last cycle: Ralston


CBO Long-Term Budget Report: Disastrous: Foundry
Bachmann: Obama has failed blacks and hispanics: CNS
Fed Frets Over U.S. Fiscal Recklessness: Bloomberg

The Obama Regime's Crackdown on Food: RWN
Vouchers in Education and Health Care Reform: Cato
Taxpayers Win Three Times Over in Defeat of S. 782: ATR

Climate & Energy

Obamajungend–Maryland School Children Now Required To Learn AGW Thermageddon Dogma To Graduate: CBullitt
Seeing the Light: Solway
Al Gore Lashes Out at Obama, Saying He "Failed" to Fight Warming: DailyTech


‘The Most Irresponsible Speech Ever Given in Wartime by a US President’: Driscoll
Palinization: MagFarm
Mrs Obama rewrites her resume for the Hope’n'Change era: Tatler

The Atlantic Magazine’s Lies: Of Breitbarts, Kochs, and RightOnLine: RWN
NBC Thinks Real-Life Noah's Ark Could Be Needed in Global Warming Apocalypse: NB
Homeowners’ Associations Becoming Unavoidable and Quasi-Governmental: RWN

Gun Owners of America Calls for Dissolution of ATF: Reason
Tim Wise’s Strange Apology to Andrew Breitbart: BG
NY Middle School bans word "saints" in the classic song "When the saints come marching in": BlogProf


Drunkblogging the President’s Afghanistan Speech: VodkaPundit
CAIR Loses IRS Status: IPT
CAIR Taps Hezbollah Supporter To Lead Its Tampa Chapter: WZ

Geert Wilders Verdict: Not Guilty All Counts! Eureka!: Atlas
PAS11: Is V-22 the next big U.S. export prospect?: DODbuzz
Bye Bye Mosque: Blogmocracy

Obama’s Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan Jeopardizes Hard-Won Gains: Foundry
Report: Muslim Marine Reservist Linked to D.C. Military Building Shootings: WZ
Wife Beating Etiquette in Islam: Creeping


Are mobile daily deals overwhelming consumers?: Mobile Commerce
Google reaches 1 billion users in May: Telegraph
Microsoft refuses to comment as .NET developers fret about Windows 8: IT Writing


Obama’s Primetime Speech On Afghanistan By The Numbers: WZ
The Amish Anthony Weiner: TSG
Self publishing writer becomes million seller: Telegraph

Image: iOwnTheWorld
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The Bachmann for President Store

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