
WTF: Debt Ceiling Compromise is to Slash Defense Spending?: Hot Air
FEC Violation: Obama Films Campaign Ad In White House: RCP
Democrat Electoral Strategy: Be the Ones Who Count the Votes: RWN
TSA Agents Prevent Possible Terrorist Act: IndReal
Blagojevich found guilty on most counts: Pundette
The Human Tragedy of Illegal Immigration: Heritage
Obama's new war is on doctors: Surber
The Racism Everyone Pretends Doesn't Exist: Zilla
ICE Memo References NLRB as Immigration Factor : LURThe Peronist in the White House: PJM
The Dems' Unbalanced Debt Plan: IBD
Obama's The One? How About Obama's the 0.8: Ace
Obama’s Labor Dept: 'You Might Be Union Busting If…': RS
Wisc. Teachers Protest Working an 8-Hour Work Day: RWN
Climate & Energy
The Failure of Al Gore, Part One: MeadGreen jobs company endorsed by Obama and Biden squandered $535MM in stimulus money: DC
Fuel prices rein in July 4th travel plans: Chron
Increasingly shameless WaPo covers for Gunwalker: OwensCollege Democrats Unleash Powerful New Ad: Ace
Party Like It's 2004: Driscoll
Bashing Bachmann: A Review of Liberal Media's Most Obnoxious Attacks on the GOP Presidential Contender: NB
Why I left the Spectator: Phillips
Lawyer Lists Four Possible FBI Responses to Federal Judge Re: Missing OKC Bombing Tapes: BMW
A Culture War Against Conservative Women: Foundry
Bachmann On Obama: “He Fears Me”: WZ
Name That Party: Blago's Dem Affiliation Left Out of Seven AP Stories: NB
Iran Threatens Turkey, Reveals Missile Silos: KahliliStarving plight of N Koreans revealed: ABC Australia
Nothing To See Here, Just More Evidence Of American Decline: RWN
Shock: Iran Defense Minister — a Killer of American Soldiers — Meets with U.S.: Kahlili
St Nicholas Church Rally at Ground Zero: Rebuild the 95-Year-Old Church, Stop the Ground Zero Mosque: Atlas
Terror-linked CAIR Taps Hizballah Apologist For Tampa Office: Creeping
Google's record-breaking traffic: By the numbers: TheWeekGoogle's War on Nonsense: Opinionator
Microsoft to test white-space spectrum for wireless: CNet
Grudge Retort: C&SAnte Upped on ‘Win Dinner With President Obama’ Contest: Malkin
Onion Editor's leg broken, others hurt in Spring Garden mob attack: Philly
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Michele Bachmann for President
QOTD: "With a crowd like this, there is no better stump speaker in the Republican field than Bachmann. Only Cain comes close." --ABC's Jonathan Karl with Michele Bachmann in Iowa
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