
WikiLeaks Plans to Release Three Million Secret US Documents: WZ
Obama More Sympathic to Terrorists’ Rights Than to Ours: RWN
Illegal alien sex offender convicted in Chandra Levy case: Malkin
Texas US Rep. Ortiz concedes defeat to Republican: WashExam
Sen. Dodd Tweets: 'U Love Torturing Me w this S***': PunPress
Pay Cuts Aren’t Enough: Time to Lay Off Federal Workers: PJMTeachers union boss rakes in $428K, demands sacrifice: WashExam
The Politics of Avoidance: RCP
As Of Today, The Biggest Holder Of US Debt Is Ben Bernanke: ZH
Ben Bernanke's Scorecard: Mish
Predictable: ObamaCare forcing mergers; increasing costs: BlogProf
Climate & Energy
Down With Upton!: RedStateAnother Obama stealth land grab: Salazar and the NCLS: Malkin
Gore Finally Admits Ethanol Idea Was Another Brain-Fart: S&L
Goracle Plays The Scienceless Doom Card: RWN
Wegman whiners: this post’s for you :WUWT
Subsidies for plug-in cars: A scam for big business: WashExam
All Hail Beastweek!: DriscollRetro Propaganda for a Retro Ideology: Zombie
Rush Limbaugh: “Keep Your Hands Off My Teabag, Mr. President”: GWP
Dear David Frum: It's time to begin thinking seriously: sisu
How Legacy Media Constantly Undermines Sarah Palin: RWN
Editorial Boards to the Little People Complaining About the TSA: Bend Over and Take it Like a Man!: Reason
Daily Kos: Allen West a “Virulent Bigot,” Meet The Press “Enabling Extremism” by Having Him on Show: WZ
Marc Ambinder: Exactly: Hewitt
NPR finally admits the Social Security trust fund is a fiction: Ace
Damn the Torpedoes: North Korea Shells South Korean Island: Belmont ClubAre North Korea And South Korea Going To War? Probably Not.: RWN
Israeli’s And Palestinians Agree: Obama Is A Big Problem On The Way To Peace: RWN
It’s All Because We Don’t Profile: LoneCon
Chutzpah: Ground Zero Mosque Developers Apply for $5M in U.S. Taxpayer Money: PJM
When in Danger, Profiling Is Rational: PJM
Terrorism Against Israel Applauded at UN – Obama Attendees Remain Silent: GWP
SmartPower Falls Victim To Taliban Equivalent Of Nigerian Email Scam: RWN
Figures… Naked Body Scanner’s CEO Was Obama’s Special Guest on His Trip to India: GWPOur Daughters and the National Obsession with Thinness: RightNet
Senate panel approves domain name seizure bill: CNet
Politically Incorrect: MFA: iOTW5 Famous Scientists Dismissed as Morons in Their Time: Cracked
Change Coming to MSNBC: Olbermann to Anchor FAILBLOG: RightNet
Image: Zombie
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Boston Herald's Tell us your TSA stories
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