Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2007

Lazy. Links. Only.

Yep, I'm feeling unmotivated. Anything but artistic. Fortunately, I've come across some interesting, high-class links. Classier than James Wolcott, even - though with fewer chins. Check 'em out. Tomorrow, I'm banking on a brainstorm of epic proportions wherein I'll find myself capable of posting a Hajj-esque Photoshop or two.

American Digest: Jane's Got Questions. I've Got Answers. Never heard of left-wing blogger Jane Hamsher? Neither have I. But you won't soon forget her after reading Vanderleun's giggle-inducing smackdown.

Belmont Club: The Blogosphere at War. Looking for an overview of information warfare in the age of blogs? Your search is over.

The Objective Standard: No substitute for Victory. An important and thought-provoking article that contrasts the suicidal death-cult of World War II-era Japanese Shintoism with a more current challenge.

Patterico: Patterico’s Los Angeles Dog Trainer Year in Review 2006. Snark, cynicism, and a failing West Coast Pravda-clone - what could be more delicious?

Right Wing News: Twenty Most Annoying Liberals - 2006 Edition. Shocker - Jimmy Carter beaten for the top spot in a stunning upset!

ZombieTime: The Concourse of Hypocrisy. 'Hypocrisy' is an ugly term. But when Berkeley residents drive gas-guzzling junkers, not a lot of other words come to mind.

Hat tips: Atlas Shrugged and Larwyn

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