
The IRS Story Keeps Getting Worse: Jonathan S. Tobin
IRS Inspector General Compares Scandal to... Nixon's Abuses: Ace
Mark Krikorian Interview: Rubio/McCain/Obama Amnesty Bill: John Hawkins
Obama/Holder Justice Department Threatens First Amendment: Cliff Kincaid
Holder’s Seat Burning Hot Following Press Revolt, Perjury Accusations: JW
Operation Over Reach Around: Erick Erickson
Whoa! Congressman Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) tells the truth: Adrienne
Low-Info Voters Keep Obama Ratings Afloat: IBD
Evidence the heart of the economy is failing: PethokoukisCatfish Inspectors, $500K Hotel Bill, U.S. Drone Centers: Geraghty
IRS spent $50 million on conferences: GOPUSA
Rocket Science for Liberals: Food Stamps Stimulate Nothing: Foundry
Hospital refuses new patients until deadbeat Illinois pays up: Marathon
Why Ted Cruz is right and John McCain is wrong: Chris Chocola
Scandal Central
Where was Obama the night four Americans were killed in Benghazi?: GJWHGForgotten Scandal: Gibson Guitars Still Being Persecuted for Doing No Wrong: Foundry
FBI Purged Training Materials Deemed ‘Offensive’ to Muslims by the Professionally Offended: Bryan Preston
Climate & Energy
Stricter EPA Ozone Rules Could Put ‘Entire Country’ Out of Business, Industry Group Warns: Nicholas BallasyHow the EPA skirts transparency: Politico
Bloomdoggle – ‘Green’ Energy Company Paid Illegals $2.66 an Hour in... Pesos: RWN
NBC's Gregory Invites Schumer to Issue 'Warning' to GOP: Move On From Obama Scandals: NBChoom Boom! Geraghty destroys Plouffe’s nasty Issa-smearing tweet with one photo: Twitchy
Barack Obama's Record-Setting Presidency: IJ Review
It's #MeltdownMonday in North Carolina!: Lady Liberty
Conor Friedersdorf rages on Middle America: Kuznicki
Let's All Sue the IRS: RWN
Long Past Time for MSNBC to Fire Al Sharpton!: Ron Radosh
Chevy Volt Owner Tells Scary Story of Unintended Acceleration...: Carscoops
GOP Grills New IRS Commish On Lerner’s Paid Leave: ‘Is That Your Definition Of Accountability?: Mediaite
American taxpayers are subsidizing Obama’s brother to party with the genocidal butcher of Darfur: ScoopChicago: Misunderstanderer of Islam gets 23 years in Wrigley Field bomb plot: Creeping
Belgian students vote secretly for boycott of Israel: Times of Israel
Is This a Religion?: Gates of Vienna
Police State Europe: Guns Magazine
Judge Gives Fort Hood Jihadi Who Slaughtered 13 American soldiers in Texas Office & Legal Staff: Atlas
This crafty 4-month-old startup helps you never lose your keys (or kid) again: VentureBeatVine for Android Hands-On: Mashable
Society unprepared for 3D printing boom: IT News Au
You Win or You Die: John HaywardGame of Thrones Fan Reaction Compilation: Ace
Bubba To BO: “WTF? Did you read your contract?”: MOTUS
Image: The Disgrace That is MSNBC's Al Sharpton
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Sweetness & Light
QOTD: "The FBI is rewriting history in order to help al Qaeda. This shows that the law enforcement agency is in need of serious top-to-bottom reform. As we recently learned from the Boston Marathon terrorist attack, the country is less safe when we allow radical Muslim organizations to tell the FBI how to train its agents and do its job. The FBI’s purge of so called ‘offensive’ material is political correctness run amok, and it puts the nation at risk. The Obama administration needs to stop putting the tender sensibilities of radical Islamists above the safety of the American people." --Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch
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