Can John Boehner step away from his bottle of Maker's Mark to tell us? Can John McCain peel himself away from the front of a camera to let us know? Can Karl Rove put the white board down, stop checking his E*Trade account for seven minutes, and explain? Can Paul Ryan take a break from PX-9 for a day and write a white paper explaining how this 1000-page monstrosity -- that, just like Obamacare, not a single person has read -- will benefit we, the people?
• It's not to drive down unemployment, because legalizing millions of mostly low-skilled workers will drive wages down, starting with the lowest wage-earners and rippling upward.
• It's not to improve border security, because they've already informed us they won't enforce the border as a pre-condition to passing the bill -- and they certainly don't enforce border security today.

• It's not to reinforce American traditions and values, because there are no enforceable language and education requirements in the bill that prevent the Balkanization of our society.
• It's not to enforce the rule of law or drive down crime, because illegals today can commit multiple misdemeanors and even felonies without fear of deportation or imprisonment.
• It's not to drive down dependency on government, because most illegals in the country today utilize food stamps, free health care, and other benefits subsidized by you and I.
Here's the straight truth: You and I, my friends, are second-class citizens. We pay for this government. We pay for this federal leviathan. We put our blood, sweat and tears into taking care of ourselves, our families, our churches, our charities, and our friends, sending 30, 40, 50, 60 cents of every dollar to the government for the privilege.
Some of us work two, three and even four jobs to send our kids to college. Some of us work 60, 70, 80, 90 hours a week to make a better life for ourselves. Some of us risk everything -- everything we possess -- to start a business.
But it is the illegal alien who is noble and virtuous. Not us. The illegal alien.
And Washington doesn't care. There's not a single redeeming aspect of this bill for us. Not one. It won't create jobs, it will destroy jobs. It won't help address the deficit, it will explode the deficit. It won't help national security, it will erode our security. It won't reinforce the use of the English language and teach our history, tradition and values, it will instead encourage multiculturalism and Balkanization. It won't drive down crime, it will encourage lawbreaking. It won't reduce government dependency, it will accelerate that addiction.
What's in this bill for us? Not a thing. This bill is for the ruling class, the Beltway elite, and it is designed to accelerate the fundamental transformation of America into something more malevolent, corrupt and tyrannical. For that is the way of the Statists who today treat us as subjects and not free men and women. These non-representatives do not have our best interests in mind and they are no longer operating with the consent of the governed.
Hat tips: BadBlue News Service and Mark Levin.
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