Count 1: Perjury, for the May 15th statement before the House Judiciary Committee that you, Eric Holder, know nothing about the potential prosecution of the press -- that it's not something you've ever been involved with -- when, in truth, you not only knew the statement was not true, you personally approved the seeking of a warrant for those records.

Count 3: Aiding and Abetting, for your role in Fast and Furious, Aiding and Abetting for your letter to the House Judiciary Committee dated February 4, 2011, by your Deputy Ron Wyden stating unequivocally that there was no gun-walking and no weapons sent across the Mexican border. That statement was also a lie, which you had to admit after.
Count 4: Mispirison of Felony, for your knowledge when you had a duty to stop the gun-running to Mexico, and your failure to do so.
Count 5: Perjury, for your lies to Congress that you first heard about Fast and Furious in late April of 2011 when even the president admits he knew about it before that.
Count 6: Conspiracy, allowing for the use of and providing guns to the Mexican Cartels during a drug-trafficking offense in furtherance of a drug-trafficking conspiracy.
Hat tip: BadBlue News.
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