World’s Oldest Cancer Found in Bone of 120,000 Year-Old Neanderthal
The world's oldest known human tumour has been found in the rib bone of a Neanderthal who lived more than 120,000 years ago.The bone was evacuated from a site in Krapina, Croatia more than 100 years ago and has been found to have contracted the fibrous dysplasia tumour, a cancer which is common among modern-day humans...
...Researchers said it is rare to discover evidence of cancer in the prehistoric population as they were not exposed to toxins, pollution, radiation and unhealthy diets over a long period of time which has been seen to cause cancer in today's humans.
Fibrous dysplasia in modern-day humans is the most frequent of the bone-tumours, but Frayer adds: "This case shows that Neanderthals, living in an unpolluted environment, were susceptible to the same kind of cancer as living humans."
Well, let's not let evidence, facts, history, logic and reason stop the de-industrialization of America. The overstuffed crook who uses the alias Richard Windsor needs to keep plenty of food on her table.
Hat tip: BadBlue Tech News.
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