Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 2, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Rick Santorum Sweeps Trio of States

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GOP Primary

Rick Santorum Sweeps Trio of States: CDN
The 'GOP base really does not want Romney': Corner
How Mitt Could Be Beat: RSM

Romney gets Rick-rolled; Santorum sweeps: Malkin
Romney Would Fit Right In On The Ninth Circuit Court: Riehl
Your Choices: Romney, Santorum or Sweet Meteor of Death: RSM


Our Constitution Is Out of Step with the Rest of the World: Cato
Obama Amnesty: Deportations At Record Low: JW
9th Circuit finds "Constitutional right" to gay marriage: Howling

Rant on HHS Mandate: Pundette
Dem. idiot wouldn't have voted for Obamacare if regs were known: WS
ObamaCare: the gift of Kafkaesque Statist absurdity...: PW


The unemployment chart Obama doesn’t want you to see: Peth
Barack Obama, Super-hypocrite on SuperPACs: Patterico
The Well-Deserved Death of California's Redevelopment Scam: Reason

Meet Pepe Cardona, the next Marc Rich: WyBlog
Government Can't Make Us Happy: Stossel
Sessions: Under Obama, Government Gets Bigger as Middle Class Gets Smaller: NoisyRm

Scandal Central

Fast and Furious, as a police operation, doesn't make sense, but as a...: MoneyRunner
Fast and Furious: Three Questions Not Asked: Owens
How many dead Mexicans would it have taken for Eric Holder to fire people?: Moe Lane

Climate & Energy

Two more scientists change sides in the AGW debate: Q&O
Scientist: global warming causes worst winter in years: Surber
Vlad in Vostok: Bayonet

Another Green Prophet Defects: Power Line
McIntyre catches the University of East Anglia in a web of lies: Watts


The Secular Media vs. Religious Liberty: Bozell
WaPo: Politicians loot treasury for personal gain. Apparently that’s news: Q&O
Rush Limbaugh Parody of Clint Eastwood “Halftime in America”: Scoop

Think Progress, Media Matters Downplay Iranian Nuke Threat: Free Beacon
The Good, the Ad, and the Ugly: Daily
Maynard’s Reaction to that Detroit/Clint Eastwood Commercial: Bruce

The Blaze Jumps the Shark: Nice Deb
Mark Levin: We're Living In A Post-Constitutional America: RCP
U.S. authorities go after Murdoch: Reuters


Watch Eastern Saudi Arabia: Commentary
Two can play the same ‘BOYCOTT’ game: BNI
Greek Economy Implodes: Budget Revenues Tumble 7% In January On Expectation Of 9% Rise: ZH

Good News: U.S. Taxpayers Subsidize More Overseas Mosques: Creeping
Shariah law: Aceh’s morality police seek greater power: GlobalPost
Soros Warns Of Chaos, But Supports People Creating It: IBD

Are We Losing the War in Afghanistan?: Max Boot
Military ties mark Kim Jong Un’s inner circle: ArmyTimes
China leader-in-waiting carries heavy political baggage to U.S.: Reuters


Facebook governance a concern for California pension fund: Reuters
'Doomsday Preppers' highlights extreme survival techniques: USA Today
Google's HUD glasses have been sighted: CNet


Obama's War on the Church: Spew
Problems Solved: Check!: MOTUS
Oh, Brother: Braves Throwback Uniform Praised for "Lack of Racism": Modicum

Last known WWI veteran dies at 110: ArmyTimes
Sea World’s Shamu ‘Slavery’ Case – PETA Demands Civil Rights For Animals: SHN
OWS & the planned “endgame” for the U.S: CFP

Image: Lars Larson
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum for President

QOTD: "Operation Fast and Furious was specifically conceived so that “walked” guns would be recovered at crime scenes in Mexico. Their serial numbers would be provided to the ATF by Mexican authorities for tracing. Regardless of motive, the entire operation was premised on weapons being recovered at crime scenes in Mexico, and law enforcement agencies are well aware that criminals primarily abandon weapons only after they’ve been used in serious felony crimes such as murder or attempted murder.

Operation Fast and Furious was conceived knowing that Mexican nationals would be sacrificed in significant numbers if the tracing operation had any chance of working." --Bob Owens

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