Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 2, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Mitt has no intention of cutting the size of government

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GOP Primary

Mitt has no intention of cutting the size of government: Sundries
Mitt Ron Ad Money Attacking Conservatives: MagNote
Newt slams media for Obama's pro-infanticide views: Nice Deb

Romney Campaign Run by Charlie Crist’s Political Aides: Max
Was CNN Influencing Debate On Obama’s Behalf?: Riehl
Gingrich and The Rick Perry Factor: RS

The pivot that would help Rick Santorum: Greenroom
Obama vs. GOP Candidates: Tax Plan Comparison: ATR
Poll: Who won the debate tonight?: Scoop


Illegal Aliens Receive Jackpot Justice for Spitting on Our Laws: MB
53% Favor Repeal of Obamacare: Rasmussen
Zero Integrity on House Ethics Committee: CDN

Cultural Marxism and the Culture of Fear: ECV
The “Tolerant” Left Tweets About George W. Bush: CDN
Homeowner catches thief, then jailed for firing warning shot: DC


Why Obama’s corporate tax plan is a total bust: Peth
Secret Obama memo wanted the $800 billion stimulus to be—gasp!—$1.8 trillion: Peth
Unions Say They Plan To Spend $400 Million To Help Reelect Obama: WZ

At the Obama White House, the Party Never Stops: Dossier
Chicago Teachers Union Pawns Protest Rahm: BigG
Brown must curb big pension paydays for management: DailyNews

Scandal Central

White House misses Solyndra document deadline: Hayward
Second Gun In ICE Agent Murder Linked to ATF Gunwalking: Ace
Patterico as Carnac the Magnificent, Redux: Patterico

Climate & Energy

Tesla Motors’ Devastating Design Problem: Jalopnik
The Global Warming Cult and the Death of Science: Greenfield
Drawing the Line at Power Lines: NYT


15 Questions The Mainstream Media Would Ask Barack Obama If He Were A Republican: P&F
`Game Change': Meet the Leftists Who Turned @HBO Into a Pro-Obama SuperPAC: BigH
Time: Catholic Bishops Should Go to Jail If They Want to Protest Obamacare Mandates: NB

When Positive and Negative Rights Collide: Knish
What is the goal in this election?: Ace
AP poll: Obama’s numbers rebounding, especially on the economy: Hot Air

Media Trash: JPA
Bloggers Beware – A Cautionary Tale: Zilla
Palin Aides Slam HBO’s ‘Game Change’ – Media Roundup: C4P


Harvard hosts a conference calling for an end to Israel. Keep those donations coming.: Baehr
US, Germany differ on Israeli ability to hit Iran: JPost
Citizens restrain Muslim shouting “Allah is great” on Portland to Houston flight (video): Creeping

Guess Who Decides What FBI Agents Get To Learn About Islam?: McCarthy
Iraq attacks on Shia and police targets kill 50: BBC
UN panel draws up list of Syria leaders to probe: AP


Every Hall of Famer
“The Thrill is Gone” - Laissez les bons temps rouler!: MOTUS
Whitney had Valium, Xanax and alcohol drug cocktail: Post

Image: The Looking Spoon
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum for President

QOTD: "One would think CNN, along with many media outlets, take their marching orders straight from the DNC, in terms of the issues they want raised. Certainly, with the debate in Arizona, a question on Fast and Furious would have been apropos. But it never came. That wouldn’t reflect well on the White House, so perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised.

As the GOP prepares for political battle with Obama in 2012, it’s important to remember, it isn’t only his campaign they’ll have to defeat, they will have to best a liberal, Obama-supporting mainstream media, as well." --Dan Riehl

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