
Love the Constitution? DHS believes you're an extremist: PJM
Feds Ask Supremes for More Time to Defend ObamaCare: NewAm
Accents, politics, and double standards: Malkin
Obama 2012: He’ll Do Better This Time, Honest: Treacher
Obama: “I’m Getting Better As Time Goes On” : GWP
As It Turns Out, Money Is Speech: Cato
Need Another Motivation to Vote Obama Out?: Powers
The Prescience of The Founding Fathers: Babalu
The "1 Percent" Exodus: FPMComing soon: Individual mandate to buy Chevy Volts: Exam
Surprise! RomneyCare Costs Exploding, Hidden From Public: CDN
Cardless National ID and the E-Verify Rebellion: Cato
Detroit ‘Comeback' Ad Filmed in New Orleans, L.A.: WS
GM owes us $25B: Who paid for Super Bowl Chevy Volt Ad?: MagNote
Public Pension Watch: Chicago, New York, and Providence: Conservatory
Obama Press Secretary Jay Carney: People Dropping Out of Workforce Is “Economic Positive”: GWP
Joe Biden Admits Tuition Subsidies Horrible for Tuition Prices: SAB
GOP Primary
Santorum's Got Game: MalkinUpcoming states could serve as bulkhead for Santorum: Fox
Records Show Ron Paul Trips Paid Twice: Roll Call
The Case for Santorum: WS
Gosh, everybody's for Santorum now: RSM
Mitt’s Big Guns Now Trained On Santorum: NiceDeb
Scandal Central
$1 Billion on Sports Cars: ABC Reports on Obama’s Electric Car Funding Fiasco: VSReport: Lawmakers Steered Earmarks Near Their Own Properties: Roll Call
RNC chairman: Holder acting like he’s under an ‘air of indictment’: DC
Climate & Energy
Why Yes, The Climate Change Hoax Is About Big Government: RWNCAFE standards, market distortion and the usual results: Q&O
Germany in skeptical turmoil on both Climate and Solar/Windfarms: Climate
Communism Collapsed: Who Cares?: Power LineTeachers' union boss who makes $550K argues against school choice: "Life's not always fair': Breitbart
Moron Congressman: Truthful Media Is the Enemy: Breitbart
'Does Axelrod Poll For ABC?': NB
Who Castrated Ann Coulter?: AmSpec
What would de Tocqueville think of President Barack H. Obama and modern America 2012?: CFP
Top 10 Reasons to Vote Democrat: LoneCon
Rachel Maddow Lies Again, Claims Rick Santorum Wants to Ban Contraception: LifeNews
Was Eastwood's Super Bowl ad pro-Obama?: Politico
CBS News D.C. Station Slams Voter ID Bill in Va. As '"Jim Crow" Voting Legislation': NB
Polygamous Ancestors and the Road to Full Disclosure?: Hanson
Thrice-Married NPR Snob Garrison Keillor Mocks Newt Gingrich as a 'Polygamist': NB
Never Mind Israel, Iran’s First Target Might Be its Arab Neighbors: CommentaryBashar Assad emails leaked, tips for ABC interview revealed: Haaretz
Did Chinese Espionage Lead to F-35 Delays?: DefTech
Islam's Groundhog Day: Greenfield
'Death sentence': Pensioner with aneurysm that could kill her anytime told NHS won't pay for surgery: DailyMail
Major Obama Donors Tied to Fugitive Who Fled to Mexico: NYT
A UN Farce in Syria: Sultan Knish
Denying Islamists Federal Security Clearances: PJM
Obama, Democrats Own Syria Failure: Pollak
Russian scientists reach buried Antarctic Lake Vostok: FoxGunning for Netflix: Redbox and Verizon to Launch Video Service This Year: Wired
How NASA Makes Those Incredible High-Res Images of Earth: Wired
On Reagan’s Birthday, His Legacy Lives On: FoundryThe residences of U.S. presidents: Inman
Could Obama Face Felony Charge In Arizona?: CDN
Image: Serena Williams warms up in Australia
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support Rick Santorum for President
QOTD: "Why Santorum? In my estimation, Santorum is the last consistent conservative standing, and the only one both promoting the conservative agenda and campaigning as a conservative in the race. That doesn’t make Santorum perfect; he lacks the executive experience I’d like to see, and some of his positions in the past and present give me pause. However, compared to the heterodoxies of his competitors in the GOP race, Santorum has a superior record on promoting conservative policies and values.
Even more than that, though, Santorum has demonstrated a level of personal integrity in this race that outshines the rest of the field. Santorum has campaigned with blue-collar Reagan Democrats in mind, pushing for an economic plan that would revitalize manufacturing and small business. He could easily have tipped over into class-warfare populism while Gingrich and Romney bashed each other over their work at Bain and Freddie Mac in order to ingratiate himself with that sector by playing on latent envy. Instead, he defended capitalism and both of his competitors on the campaign trail more effectively than either could defend themselves." --Ed Morrissey
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