GOP Primary
The attacks on Santorum have begun in earnest: PWRick Santorum’s Sweep Changes the Race: RWN
Santorum In Second Place In Delegate Race: S&L
Santorum Kicked The Mitt Out Of Romney: Riehl
Tim Tebow, Tom Brady register to vote in MN: PJM
What is Low Republican Turnout Saying?: RLC
Justice Ginsburg Should Resign: AmSpecDREAMers” promise action against Rubio at CPAC: Hot Air
FBI Announces that Americans Are Now a Threat to America: RLC
White House advises Senate to not lead in an election year: RS
Democrat state senator attempts to ban masturbation: Lane
Cancel Leviathan’s Invitation to the Wedding: NewAm
Report: Obama doubles down at Democrat retreat: Hot Air
Weak Obama May Back Off Church Attack: Tobin
Air Force trains flight attendants for VIP trips: Chron
Dependency Index Surges 23% Under President Obama: IBDObama planned to give Russian steel company a loan: Blogmocracy
NC's Renee Ellmers Waxes Henry Waxman: Riehl
Hoyer: ‘The Fact Is You Don’t Need a Budget’: CNS
2 charts: Obama’s ‘Buffett Rule’ is completely phony: Peth
War on Salt Heats Up: Moonbattery
House Conservatives Support Barack Obama’s Latest Stimulus: RS
Are Government Unions Out Of Control? An Infographic: ZH
#Occupiers Pillage Portland: GWP
Scandal Central
Fast and Furious: While Holder Makes Excuses, Mexico Is Making Arrests: BigGObama Weaponizes DOJ Against Murdoch: BigJ
Judicial Watch sues Energy Dept. for documents related to $529M Fisker loan: Hill
Climate & Energy
Little Green Morons: CarubaPolar ice not melting as fast as you were told: Hot Air
The Himalayas and nearby peaks have lost no ice in past 10 years, study shows.: Instapundit
MRC Study: ABC and NBC Anything But Fast and Furious On Gunwalking Scandal: NBRush: Santorum is last real conservative still standing: Scoop
CNN’s Roland Martin suspended for homophobic tweets: WaPo
WSJ: Waking Up To Dangers Of ‘Obama-Care’: S&L
Another sign of the plague of idiocy and sloth that is spreading across our nation: TAB
Breaking: Rick Santorum’s unironic wearing of sweater vests an electoral dealbreaker: PW
Ex-MSNBC GM Slams Chris Matthews, NYT, 'Media’s Shameful, Inexcusable Distortion' of Citizens United: NB
Does The Obamacare Mandate Further Religious Liberty?: Howling
Oh my: Majorities of liberal Democrats now support drone strikes, keeping Gitmo open: Hot Air
CBS Evening News Finally Covers 'Firestorm' Between Catholic Church and Obama: NB
Covering Up JFK’s Roguish Behavior for 50 Years Not Long Enough for NBC’s Viewers: NB
Elementary School Kids Indoctrinated About Obama’s Incredible Awesomeness: Breitbart
Christians Facing Genocide in Muslim World: IPTEgypt: As many as 100,000 Christians have left in recent months: JihadWatch
BBC tells journalists to stop calling Qatada 'an extremist' - and showing pics of him looking fat: Daily Mail
Iran 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0: Hanson
New Illegal Alien Advocate Undercuts Border Control: IBD
Farewell to the Free Market?: CityJournal
The Latest, Terrifying Drone Dog: DefTechFatah official Facebook page glorifies terrorists: Creeping
FBI Puts Cloud Providers on Notice Over Security Rules: Wired
A Fistful of Rebates: IowaHawkLet’s Move: Tug of War in the White House: Powers
Superbowl Snipers: iOTW
Historic! Sales Soar for Famed Obama Painting: JWF
Moonbat Fashion: iOTW
Video: Parody of Clint Eastwood's Chrysler ad: Marathon
Image: Curmudgeonly & Skeptical
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Rick Santorum could use your help
QOTD: "The CAFE rule is the fleet-wide average fuel economy rating manufacturers are required by Washington to achieve. The new rule — issued in response to a 2010 Obama directive, not to specific legislation passed by Congress — would require automakers to achieve a 40.9 mpg CAFE average by 2021 and 54.5 mpg by 2025...
...Total costs, as calculated by the EPA, will exceed $157 billion, making this by far the most expensive CAFE rule ever. For comparison, the previous rule in 2010 cost $51 billion, according to the EPA. But the EPA doesn’t include this fact in its calculation: Annual U.S. car sales are 14-16 million units, yet over time, this rule will remove the equivalent of half a year’s worth of buyers." --Washington Examiner via Q&O
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