Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 10, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: An Open Letter to a President Who Says We've Gone Soft

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Open Letter to a President Who Says We've Gone Soft: Vodka
On Deaf Ears: IBD
Why Cain Could Be a Game Changer: Cost

Feds to Gibson: Hand over more wood : BizJrnls
Team Obama May Sue More States Over Illegal Immigration: RWN
Bachmann Hits Back at Perry on Illegal Immigration: Blaze

Gingrich Offers New ‘Contract with America’: PJM
Wall Street Fundraisers Turn Against Obama: LAT
More from Last Week's E-Verify Mark-up: NUSA


AP Investigation: Plant deal may enrich Perdue donors: Chron
Judge Fines Longshore Union $250K After Attacks: Blaze
Obameconomy: 90% Say It Stinks: RWN

Obama's jobs bill can't get through Democrat-controlled senate: Hill
Voters Aren’t Buying Obama’s “Bad Luck” Meme: RWN
ECRI’s Achuthan Says New Recession Unavoidable: Yahoo!

Perverse Incentives: State Gets Bonus For Food Stamp Signups: JW
No Drilling, No Jobs, No Money: Foundry
Numbers Don't Matter to Socialists: RedCty

Gunrunner & Solyndra

Pelosi: It's Just a Weird Coincidence My Brother-in-Law's Company Got $737MM From Obama: JWF
New Fast and Furious docs released by White House: CBS
Solargate Opens Wide: IBD


Warren makes a persuasive argument to redistribute sex with hot women: LibertyPapers
Garofalo: Cain’s rise in support proves Republican racism, or something: Hot Air
Top Obama Campaign Director Complains All They Eat Is Junk Food: WZ

National CCW -- Six Arguments in Favor : Fat in Indiana
ABC and Brainwashing School: WZ
Herman Cain on the Tonight Show: Scoop


Ron Paul Mourns Death of Awlaki: Hot Air
Iran's Bomb and Israel's GBU-28s: Hewitt
I’m Sure The Chinese Mean This In the Sweetest Way Possible: iOTW

Pics from the Front: WZ
DHS Released Islamic Terror Operative Who Illegally Crossed Arizona Border: Creeping
Bahrain Walks a Political Tightrope: Foundry


Google Analytics Goes Real Time: BigPic
Groups ask Feds to ban Facebook's 'frictionless sharing': CNet
Major Security Flaw In Samsung's Galaxy S II: Insider


Just Another Day in Our Banana Republic: MOTUS
Talker's Block: Godin
School Daze: iOTW

The X Factors Drew Ryniewicz Sings Justin Bieber’s ‘Baby’ Video Here: HaveUHeard
Twitter: Is It All About Timing? [Infographic]: SocialMouths
Something Wonderful: "29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time! ": AmDig

Image: Creative Minority Report
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Herman Cain for President

QOTD: "When all is said and done, Bank of America will have no choice but to charge its 6 to 8 remaining clients about one million dollars each time an ATM transaction is executed because the bank will be so deep in mortgage putback litigation it will have a negative market cap. The latest news for the bank is about the worst possible kind: the wave of lawsuits filed against the Countrywide toxic mortgage receptacle has just jumped across the Atlantic, and after the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund recently started proceedings, the real threat, German banks, have just realized that Bank of America is nothing but a legal liability piggy bank..." --Tyler Durden

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