Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 7, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: Finally: Cantor and Obama come to blows

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Finally: Cantor and Obama come to blows: Malkin
Much Needed Straight Talk: Quit Lying, Mr. President: RS
Perry Stalks Iowa; Will Boot Drop Soon?: IBD

Administration damages military voting rights: Atlas
Hahn Beats Huey: a Report from Huey Campaign HQ: Zombie
Another Allen West challenger raises big money: Sun-Sent

Ryan Schools HHS Secretary on Medicare Reform: Foundry
Sen. Marco Rubio Blasts Barack Obama's Demagoguery: Hewitt
Congressman: Obama “Despicable, Sick And Twisted”: Dollard


Plan B and limited government's future: Exam
One President Left Behind: Coulter
Moody’s Puts U.S. On Downgrade Watch As Debt Talks Falter: WZ

Socialist Senator: Obama's Wrong on Social Security Checks: NB
No more taxes, no more debt, no more Obama: WS
ATR Does Not Support a Debt Limit 'Contingency' Plan: ATR


Fast And Furious Scandal: A Watergate For Obama?: IBD
Gunwalker: Smoking Gun Email?: PJM
Federal gun investigations draw Congressional scrutiny; Tampa agents ready to come in from the cold.: Sipsey

Climate & Energy

EPA Kills Five Power Plants Along Road to Darkness: RWN
BULB Act is dim-witted: Hill
Big Green wants to turn off our lights, A/C: Exam


MSM Televised News Has Long Displayed Its Racial Preference: BigJourn
Church can be cure for flash-mobbing teens: Exam
Leaderless and Loving It: BSFootprint

Obama political appointees stonewalling Congress on Solyndra loan guarantee documents: Tapscott
MMfA PROPAGANDA WATCH: Flashback – Tax-Exempt Soros Group on SEIU Payroll: BigJourn
Sarah Palin: I don't trust this President: Scoop


Mumbai blasts: Death toll reaches 21, 141 injured (Caution: Graphic Images): FirstPost
Good news: U.S. favorable rating in Arab world now lower than during Bush era: Hot Air
Super: LA Sheriff’s Department Has A Muslim Public Affairs Unit: Amy Alkon

Iran Successfully Tests Nuclear Missiles: Kahlili
Somali-Americans from Minnesota Leave to Wage Jihad with Al-Shabaab Terror Group: PJM
Dearborn: Teacher, in lawsuit claiming Arab Muslim harassment, is fired: Creeping

How Unclean Was My Valley: Steyn
Toronto public school: ‘Menstruating girls, at the very back, do not take part’: FiveFeetOfFury
Moody's Puts US AAA Credit Rating on Review, Places 7,000 Muni Ratings on Review as a Result: Mish


Man Who Hacks Neighbor's WiFi And Tries To Frame Him For Crimes Gets 18 Years: Consumerist
Mark Zuckerberg Disappears from Google+ Due to Privacy Settings: Wire
Report: Amazon Tablet Set to Battle iPad in Fall: PC World


The Running of the Boobs (NSFW, obviously): TAB
North Korea's Luxury Restaurant: Snapped Shot
What Was In It For The Dim-Bulb Republicans?: Ricochet

Image: Stratfor Research
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support Allen West for Congress

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