Frankly Speaking: Nice DebIn Florida, a Bi-Partisan Tag Team: Riehl
Harry Reid's Campaign Could Use Some Viagra: JWF
Answer: He's not going to move to the center: LegalIns
Black Judge Denounces Plea Deals for “White Boys”: RWN
Disgrace: Obama-Holder DOJ fails to protect military voters: Adams
Progressive Feudalism: AT
Out of the Blue (State): GrandRants
Of Course: VFW Endorses Lawyer Over Heroic Soldier: Ace
How a stealth banking bailout reached Obama's desk: MalkinHeh: Endangered Dems Claim GOP Taking Foreign Donations : JWF
Change: Stimulus checks sent to the dead: WSJ
USPS union election on hold: ballots were lost in the mail: RWN
Hey, Dad, Your Big Achievement Will Hurt Our State: GayPatriot
NYT: Obama granting ObamaCare waivers to corporations: Hot Air
Scam! Another Dem Rep's Wife About to Land Behind Bars: GWP
Battling ObamaCare: The Health Care Industry Awakens: PJM
Bunks for Drunks threatens to spread: RWN
As the Storm Approaches: PundetteThe President's 'Guarantees': Hewitt
Media Matters: Criminal Front Group: Levin
MTV casting call: Lights, camera, young Obamacare stooges!: Malkin
Marxism, Socialism, Communism, and Obama: PJM
Stealth socialism: Obama’s past as the key to his plans for our future: Kimball
"You Are A Disgrace To My Alma Mater": LegalIns
Newt’s Closing Argument: It’s The “Party of Paychecks” vs. The “Party of Food Stamps”: GWP
Rep. Brady debunks White House stimulus propaganda: BlogProf
Harbinger! Behold the wisdom of a bureaucratic client state: Protein WisdomRed Sludge: Hungary United in Wake of Catastrophe: PJM
Merkel: German Muslims must obey law, not Sharia: Maktoob
What People Hear When The Obama Administration Says We Can “Absorb A Terrorist Attack.”: RWN
Pakistan urges Taliban to step up attacks on Afghans, NATO!: Roggio
The Forgotten Evil behind the Iron Curtain: AT
Who's suing who in the mobile world: Design Language NewsSo, That Was a Bummer: FourSquare
Home Depot to sell Philips LED to replace 60-watt bulb... at only around $50.: CNet
You too can have a dream body – in your movies: NewSciCharlie Crist's First Pitch: Malkin
'No Che Day'!: AT
Image: Google's Election Widget.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support Lt. Col. Allan West in Florida!
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