
What would a communist do?: AT (Hoven)
Pelosi tears up: GWP
When hidden camera reporting becomes distasteful: TigerHawk
Lies!: Coulter
House votes to defund ACORN: final vote results: BigGov
New Secret Weapon in Selling ObamaCare: Hot Air
A victory for the American taxpayer: GOPleader
Devore fundraising widget: Lane
Obama: Legalize illegals to get them health care: Times
NEA, SEIU Sent Member Dues to ACORN: Freedom@Work
Hawaii and Chicago Communist Networks Were Linked?: New Zeal
Obama helps strengthen General Electric-Putin ties: Examiner40 million reasons Federalism matters: RSM
Biggest pension in Chicago, courtesy big labor: Sun-Times
Obama "Czar" Ron Bloom's Socialist Vision for US Industry: NewZeal
Michigan jobless rate climbs to 15.2%, Highest In The Nation For 40 Straight Months: BlogProf
Survey: More Democrats Trust Fox News Than NYT: SurberDemocrat Legislator Advisory: Lane
For Bush, "Dissent Was Highest Form Of Patriotism". Now, It's The Lowest Form Of Racism: Hammer
When Jimmy Carter ginned up race hatred to get elected governor: AT (Moran)
Is Michael Moore a Racist?: No Pasaran
This is what set Rush off: JOM
Anatomy of the "Racist" Charge—or, How to Turn a Setback into a Disaster: Hanson
Dinosaur Media Smears Beck: GWP
Joe Klein Loves Diversity: Corner
Climate & Energy
Green Sprawl: SurberJohn Holdren in 1971: “New ice age” likely: Zombie
A “Green Schools” Czar? Pell Grants Gone?: TRBO
The California Water v. Delta Smelt War: TRBO
The Gathering Storm, Part 168: Power LineWho gave Iran the nuclear bomb?: Surber
Timing is Everything: JOM
Democrats to Obama: Um, what exactly are we getting for selling out Poland to Russia?: Hot Air
Missile Defenseless: Surber
Rifqa Bary's Dad confesses... who cares?: Odysseus
'Pre-emptive Capitulation: Corner
Obama's Missile Offense: WSJ
The Lies About Christian Zionists: AT (Lasky)
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