
Liar's Poker: Wizbang
Full, unedited sting video: ACORN San Bernardino: Hot Air
Likely voters overwhelming disapprove of ObamaCare: Rubin
The Science Behind the ACORN Sting: BigGov (Giles)
Teachers forced to fund ACORN through NEA union dues: TUE
ObamaCare's big problem: the Constitution: AT (Lifson)
61-27, Americans favor fixing Medicare fraud first: RCP
Video: Rep. Stark (D) Called Bush Liar On House Floor, Twice: GWP
Rise of the Uncouth: Hanson
Is Obama's top adviser going down?: Riehl
The Left's New Enemies: 'Tenthers': AT (Fitzgibbons)
The White House: New Home of the Whopper: PJM (Kimball)
The Uselessness of Paul Krugman: PJM (Yates)Boehner, Cantor, Camp to IRS: Sever ACORN Ties Now: BigGov
U.S. Economic Freedom Rank Slips Under Obama: AT (Moran)
What's missing from the NYT's coverage of ACORN: MalkinAndrew Breitbart as the new Don Hewitt: Wizbang
What do you mean, 'where is Sarah'?: Lamb
Howard Kurtz: You're All Racist Because No One Ever Tried to Delegitimize a President Before: Ace
NPR on ACORN: hard core bigotry of low expectations: BigGov
Hey, David Brooks: Who does this sound like?: Rubin
Mark Levin book sells a million copies; never reviewed by NYT or WaPo: CNS
Breitbart: the American People are the Fourth Estate: InstaPundit
Michael Moore Leads ‘Million Pound March’ in Pittsburgh: Powers
Climate & Energy
Internal Treasury Memos debunk Obama: Cap & Tax Could Cost Americans $100 to $200 Billion Annually: AceWANTED: Carbon Criminals: Junk Science
Report: NYC terror plot was/is on scale of 9/11: Hot AirIranian Regime Behind Plot to Blow Up World's Tallest Building: 45 Arrested: GWP
Goldstone Report: a Warning to Israel: Muqata
Terrorist Killed In 'Stan By Poor Craftsmanship & Inability To Get Good Tax Advice From ACORN But Mostly Poor Craftsmanship: Ace
Diluting Meaningful Data, EU-style: Fausta
Europe: Land of Cosmic Justice: Corner
Modern Leftism as Recycled Fascism: Ray
Still Fighting, Iranians Prepare For a Massive Demonstration on Friday: PJM (Ledeen)
The $150 Space Camera: MIT Students Beat NASA On Beer-Money Budget: WiredWhite House collecting Web users' data covertly: Times
5 Popular Zombie Survival Tactics (That Will Get You Killed): CrackedACORN Now Developing Anti-Fraud Program Called 'Know Your Ho': RSM
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