The secret scrapbook of Barry Soetoro Barack Obama
My early mentor "Frank" in Hawaii. Pity the neocons found out who it really was ! Here's my original registration at my first school in Jakarta, Indonesia . It has my old name (Barry Soetoro) with my religion listed as Islam. Go figure. My grass roots organizing days, training ACORN (note: I don't condone trading crack cocaine for votes - "aggressive" voter registration: yes, crack: no). At the beginning of my political career. I was a member of the Democratic Socialists of America's New Party and got a great endorsement from them. Stepping stones, baby, stepping stones! Of course, I still believe in wealth redistribution ! My first sugar daddy -- Tony Rezko -- in the early years. And to think I used to consider 250 grand a lot of dough! The education guru, Bill Ayers ! Thank goodness no one ever figured out that he named me the Chairman of the Annenberg Challenge before the political "coming out party" at his and Bernadine's house ! Here's me and Jimmy Hoffa (the son, silly, I was only 9 when his Dad disappeared!) My spiritual mentor, Jeremiah , who always gets the crowd riled up! (Of course, I never heard any of it -- tee hee!) Me and Michie at the Arab-American Action Network dinner with Ed Said (hey, he's no longer a member of the PLO, 'cause he's dead!) Boy, this church newsletter caused me some problems ! Jeremiah published this Hamas editorial and I heard no end of grief. Of course, no one in the real world knows I read it and empathize! My buddy the Rev. James Meeks (I know he's a gay-basher, but he mixes a great martini!) This is from my trip to Kenya in '96 where I supported my cousin Raila Odinga . He was also running for office. He's a great guy who wants to bring order back to the country (I know so because he signed this "Memorandum of Understanding" to bring Taliban-style Sharia law to Kenya )! Two community organizers make good! Back in the motherland ! Here's ex-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick -- he's in a bit of legal trouble, but I included this photo 'cuz it shows my favorite teleprompter. I hate that b***h! I LOVE THIS GUY!Linked by : Atlas Shrugs , Dr. Bulldog & Ronin and Small Dead Animals . Thanks!
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