• Obama's Internal pollsters: "Obama campaign is very, very worried"
• Factcheck.org: During the debate Obama lied about ACORN... and, as an added bonus, he lied about Bill Ayers and The Born-Alive Act. Blatantly. To millions of Americans. I guess it depends on what the meaning of "Born Alive" is.
• Feds appear to be organizing a RICO indictment against ACORN. It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of "community organizers".
• Another celebrity endorser for Barack Obama -- America-hater Kofi Annan
• Shocker: the media lied (*sigh*) again. The Secret Service confirms that no one shouted 'kill him' at the McCain rally. Doesn't the press have a Palin expense report to track down?
• YouTube: The Obama Tax Plan explained by Penn & Teller
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