Rick Moran, writing at the invaluable American Thinker, describes the frantic rebranding efforts of the American left.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was asked this summer if she would describe herself as a “liberal.” The Democratic front-runner shied away, saying the “word” — noticeably not using the word — has taken on a connotation that “describes big government. “I prefer the word ‘progressive,’” she said. It has a “real American meaning.”
Then she expanded the term to “modern progressive,” and, finally, clarified that she was a “modern American progressive.”
And that seems to sum up the Democrat's dilemma. A recent Gallup poll found 40% of Americans identifying themselves as Democrats but only 23% proclaiming themselves "liberal... Contrast that with only 30% of Americans identifying themselves as Republicans but fully 39% of the country saying they are conservative...
Best I can tell, the bumper stickers over the years would look something like this.





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