Whenever the name
Peter Paul comes up in Democratic circles, the reaction is sharp and instantaneous.
The man's a convicted felon. He's not believable. It's outrageous that anyone would believe him.
Of course, the Clintons were more than willing to embrace the convicted felon when they
needed money for Hillary's Senate campaign in 2000. The result was a
private Hollywood gala, the likes of which has never been seen before or since.

Last month, a
video surfaced that reportedly shows Hillary collaborating on the planning of the event. According to some observers, it is shocking "evidence of Hillary participating, coordinating, and facilitating a hard money in-kind donation from Peter Paul. It was illegal from the outset." Knowingly accepting or soliciting $25,000 or more in a calendar year is a felony carrying a prison sentence of up to five years.

The videotape was submitted as evidence to a California appeals court in a civil fraud suit filed by Paul against Hillary and Bill Clinton.
Now attorneys on both sides are firing heavy salvos at each other, though
the mainstream press has ignored the case completely. That won't be so easy if
both Clintons are deposed along with several Hollywood celebs, as Paul is wont to do.
Sen. Hillary Clinton's legal team denies a "smoking gun video" captures the New York Democrat and her campaign in the act of committing a felony, calling the assertion "pure fantasy" and "much ado about nothing..."
...Kendall argues any contribution from Paul toward the Hollywood event should be credited to a joint fundraising committee, New York Senate 2000. The state account, not subject to the federal $2,000 individual limit... Paul's attorney... [counters that] Kendall's reply fails to address the main point – that Sen. Clinton directly solicited the funds and applied some control over them, in violation of section 441 of the Federal Election Commission code... the FEC regulation considers any donation specifically requested by a candidate to be the same as a direct contribution to the candidate.
...the videotape captures Clinton designating her then-White House aide, Kelly Craighead, as her agent in daily contact with Paul, who advised the senator as to when her personal involvement would be helpful. Clinton is recorded saying Craighead, a White House employee with no relationship with any joint fundraising committee, "talks all the time" with Paul about details concerning coordination of the event, "so she'll be the person to convey whatever I need."
[Paul's attorney stated] "...the law could not be more clear. If you have coordination, solicitation by the candidate of the contribution, and are exercising control, that makes it a contribution (to the candidate)." |
Paul says that no matter the outcome of the preliminary ruling, the Clintons and several Hollywood celebrities
will be deposed.

Perhaps this explains why the Clintons have raised their DEFCON level to 3, which could, if tradition holds, result in a hilarious series of
coverups and
payoffs directed by
the Clintonos.
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