Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 4, 2004

Is Cold Fusion Heating Up?

Nuclear Transmutation: The Reality of Cold FusionIs Cold Fusion really making a comeback? After all the controversy, ridicule and failed experiements, MIT's Tech Review reports:

Fifteen years after the first controversial claims hit the headlines, cold fusion refuses to die. A small cadre of die-hard advocates argues that experiments now produce consistent results. The physics establishment continues to scoff, but some scientists who have been watching the field carefully are convinced something real is happening. And now the U.S. Department of Energy has decided that recent results justify a fresh look at cold fusion...

Is Cold Fusion Heating Up?

Vulnerability Issues in TCP

Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol.1: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture (4th Edition)TCP under attack.

The vulnerability described in this advisory affects implementations of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)... if exploited, the vulnerability could allow an attacker to create a Denial of Service condition against existing TCP connections, resulting in premature session termination. The resulting session termination will affect the application layer, the nature and severity of the effects being dependent on the application layer protocol. The primary dependency is on the duration of the TCP connection, with a further dependency on knowledge of the network (IP) addresses of the end points of the TCP connection.

The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is judged to be potentially most affected by this vulnerability...

NISCC Vulnerability Advisory 236929: Vulnerability Issues in TCP

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