The Predicate to The Liberty Amendments: Dave CarterPermit denied? We don't need no stinking permit: MagNote
Ted Cruz makes case against attacking Syria and makes it well: Scoop
Obama to Discuss All Islamic Extremist Groups Operating In Syria?: RWN
Unreal: Susan Rice to Brief Congress on Syria on Benghazi Anniversary: CNS
CT Townhall on Syria Turned On Its Head By Mysterious “Agitator”: iOTW
Illegal Immigrants: The Real Occupy Movement Taking Over America: CDN
Anti-Koch Hacktivist Belatedly Discovers He’s a Criminal: R.S. McCain
Early turnout strong in Colorado recall effort: Fox
IBM Dumps Retirees From Health Plan: LoneConLabor Sec. Perez Openly Lying About Obamacare: Bruce Krasting
Zuckerman: Part-Timers Will Near 50% of Workforce: Noel Sheppard
Radical Feminist Takeover Destroying Harvard Business School: AmPower
Free Markets Plus Individual Virtue Produces Prosperity: Star Parker
Are Property Taxes Unconstitutional?: GWP
Scandal Central
Hicks: ‘Possible’ Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods Could Have Been Saved: WFBBenghazi Whistleblower: “I don’t know why I was punished” for speaking out: Scoop
Bush Administration Reaches Through Time To Mind-Control Obama Into Setting the NSA Loose: Reason
Climate & Energy
Cooking Climate Consensus Data: “97% of Scientists Affirm AGW" Debunked: William F. JasperThank you, Mr. President: Sondrakistan
Mark Levin discusses The Liberty Amendments at Reagan Library with Q&A: ScoopGuns, and Less Butter: Clayton Cramer
CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin: UN, NATO are “legitimate substitutes” for congressional authorization for war: Scoop
100 Years After Woodrow Wilson, Mark Levin Pens A Brilliant Response: Forbes
Hoisted by their own PC petards: Celebutards join us in the rabbit hole.: MOTUS
James Woods’ latest twitter shot: ‘Where is this liar hiding during Syria fiasco?’: BPR
Two Gray Ladies In One!: Ed Driscoll
Pirro explodes on White House lobbying for war in Syria: MinorityReport
Chris Wallace to Obama Chief of Staff: Where Are Benghazi Arrests?: Mediaite
Barack Obama’s delusions of grandeur: compares Syria intervention to fighting World War II: Nile GardinerThe Coming Flood of Syrian Refugees to Sweden: Israpundit
Small California city welcomes doomsday bunkers: Sarah Parvini, AP
Syrian Children Kidnapped By Rebels Identified As Gas Victims By Obama Administration: MinorityReport
Did John McCain let the Cat out of the O’Bagy?: Shoebat
Never Let A War Go To Waste…: NoisyRoom
Report: NSA Has Full "Back Door" Access To iPhone, Android and BlackBerry devices: ZHTopsy, Now With Every Tweet From 2006 On, Has Other Social Media Indexes In The Works: Sarah Perez
In No Uncertain Terms, The Robocop Trailer Looks Amazing: Geekosystem
I Came, I Saw, I Skedaddled: Decisive moments in Barack Obama history.: P.J. O'RourkeObama to Address American People Next Tuesday: Three Pound Universe
Slogans for the War in Syria: IMAO
Image: MOTUS
Sponsored by: We don't need no stinking permit: 2 million bikers to D.C.
QOTD: "Will the perfidy of the Bush administration never cease? Even from beyond the political grave, the former president reaches out with his civil liberties-violating will to mind-control the current chief executive into loosening restrictions on the National Security Agency. That must be what happened, anyway. How else to explain why the oh-so constitutionally respectful President Barack Obama would successfully prevail upon the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in 2011 to reverse restrictions on the NSA imposed under the previous administration?
...The restrictions were imposed in 2008 at the Bush administration's request. That's an interesting point, considering that more than a few defenders of the current regime have told us how much more legally reasonable the NSA's practices are now than they were under Bush." --J.D. Tuccille
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