I have confirmed with a group of Congressmen that House Speaker John Boehner will not be reelected Speaker tomorrow.
He will either resign or be forced out tomorrow.
Only 17 members are needed to block Speaker Boehner's election tomorrow. A Speaker needs an absolute majority of all votes cast for a specific person.
If no one has a majority, the House is speakerless. I've confirmed these rules with the House Parliamentarian.
Boehner may be a competent ladder-climber but he is a horrible Speaker, especially in times as dangerous as these.
• Instead of forming alliances with the Constitutional and Tea Party conservatives who brought him to power, he instead waged war against them.
• Instead of taking advantage of the GOP's historic, sweeping victories in 2010, he bypassed the new Congress and cut a secret deal with Democrats that led to yesterday's "Fiscal Cliff" debacle.
• Instead of standing on first principles, he became the leader of the "Democrat Lite" movement, which can no longer be substantially differentiated from the Marxists running the Democrat Party.
• Instead of eloquently explaining to the American people the fiscal abyss we are facing and the certain impact of "financial repression", Boehner instead bumbled through a series of public appearances where he seemed to be negotiating with himself.
• And rather than operating as a strategist, a leader, and a statesman, Boehner allowed himself to be bullied by antique media and the Democrats (but I repeat myself).
We need a fighter as Speaker. I nominate Allen West, Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin or Jim Jordan.
Update: Close your eyes and imagine having a Speaker who can articulate his principles like this.
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