Pravda, Guns, Red Terror & America: CubeAnnie, get your gun... permit: Zilla
Allen West: The only gun control is your index finger: Scoop
Obama Opposed Gun Ban Exception to Defend One’s Home: Dossier
Sheriffs CAN Block Federal Gun Control: CFP
Wyoming Lawmakers: Take Your Gun-Control Law and Shove It: Marfdrat
Biden Unleashed: “No Silver Bullet To Stop Gun Violence”: RWN
Ending Birth Right Citizenship Should be a Top Priority for Congress: RWN
Democrats are at least noticing the Constitution now...: Troglo
We'll Keep the Red Flag Flying Here: Sultan Knish
Over 1,000 Educators Apply for Armed Teacher Training: RS
Hannity foresees states leaving union after radical abuses: DC
A Particularly Weird Week: MotleyReynolds: Home Schooling to Increasingly Threaten Public Education: ObjStd
Enron McKrugputz Poops In His Depends... Again: Patterico
AR-15 Saleswoman of the Year?: RSM
Bloomberg: Restrict Painkillers In... Hospitals: RedAlert
NYT Has Bum Strapped To Column, Plus, Introducing: ‘The Krugmanerrand’: RSM
Scandal Central
David Gregory and wife knew D.C. Attorney General: LIThe Scandal That Will Bring Obama Down: Western
Kentucky Sheriff Vows to Uphold Constitution, Not New Gun Control Laws: LibertyNews
Climate & Energy
Obama EPA Forces Company to Cut Jobs, Spend $6 million on Green Agenda: RSGlobal Warming Alarmists Pick and Choose Data to Support Theory: Foundry
GE Ditches Plans For 25,000 EVS And Hybrids By 2015: Gas2
Tabloid Carnival Barker Piers Morgan Slapped Down By Ben Shapiro on Gun Rights: AceAn End to Twitter's Gulag?: RS
MSNBC: The Racist Network: Glob
The Gun Fight continues…What Would Breitbart Do?: MOTUS
My Conversation With a Douchenozzle: iOTW
Cincy TV News Destroys Piers Morgan’s Anti-Gun Lies: Wizbang
Happy Friday! Media Rattled By Coming Layoffs at the NYT: Ace
Shall Not Be Infringed. What Does It Really Mean?: BlurBrain
Bill O’Reilly Gets Lib Rep to Admit She Got Her Crappy Talking Points From Media Matters: GWP
Depardieu is Right: Social Democrats Spit on Success: CapitalismFrance launches air strike on al-Qaeda in Mali: Telegraph
Chinese complex raises eyebrows in Mexico: BusinessReport South Africa
$6 Billion a Year for Mexican “Anchor Babies?”: AIM
Gun Confiscation After Katrina: Military
Fuzzy little Norweigian politiican wants you to pee in the shower for the environment: AWD
Sci-Tech (courtesy
Electrowetting displays: Brighter than LCD, lower-power, and daylight readable: ExtremeTechAlleged ZeuS Botmaster Arrested for Stealing $100 Million from U.S. Banks: ThreatPost
Does Google Play Fair?: The Week
10 Awesome Pro-Gun Graphics: RWNIn Praise of Big Bang Theory: Ace
Father of the Year: Cube
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: January 19th is Gun Appreciation Day
QOTD: "If we need fear anything gun-related in this country, leaving aside those wicked people who would presume to do us or our family and friends harm, it is the vocal, entitled, and demonstratively ignorant anti-gun zealot who seeks to substitute ostentatious indignation for knowledge and cartoonish scapegoating for reasoned discourse. They are experts at rousing emotions and fear mongering, but that tends to be where the “expertise” on gun issues ends.
And we should fear them because they aren’t just after our guns. They are after our liberties." --Jeff Goldstein
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