Let It Begin Here: OwensA Hard Rain's Gonna Fall: Camp o' the Saints
Andrew Cuomo: Another Socialist for Gun Control: MB
Why I own an AR-15: RS
Why Gun Owners Doubt Liberals' Motives: Gormogons
Who will be the first to die?: NoisyRm
Why So Serious? Is Conservative Despair Justified?: Klavan
The Real Gun Violence Problem: RS
PANIC: One Million AR-15 Magazines On Backorder: CNS
Teamsters Bosses Try Union Busting On Their Own Workers: LURWelfare Fraud Alert: Let’s Just Say its Rampant: Hidout
Panic In Cali as Thousands Of Food Stamps Cards Suffer Brief Outage: ZH
When big deficits became good: Hanson
Can Republicans Win a Government Shutdown?: Harsanyi
NEA, CWA, NAACP, GreenPeace Meet to End Capitalism: MagNote
Scandal Central
Defying the Obama Administration on Religious Liberty: FoundryGovernment That Just Bought 1.4B Rounds of Ammo, 2500 DHS Armored Trucks: Turn in Your Guns: Reaganite
How a secret gun provision made its way into Obamacare legislation: Blaze
Climate & Energy
More Tricks from East Anglia: ClimateAuditMedia
Doing the Research the New York Times Won't Do: CoulterDouchebag John Cook publishes name of every NYC gun owner: HayRide
Secret gun-rights provision in ObamaCare?: Hot Air
February 8, 2013: Million Man March for the 2nd Amendment: CDN
Krauthammer: ‘Unconstitutional’ gun confiscation ‘would cause insurrection in the country’: DC
The Johnny-come-lately anti-Eric Holder brigade: Malkin
A Soldier and Two Marines: Sworn to ‘Support and Defend the Constitution’: RSM
Pillars of the Establishment Arrayed Against Second Amendment: MB
Bloomberg says 19-year olds aren't responsible enough to have a pistol or rifle: MB
The Blind Sheik and our mute president: MalkinHillary Clinton Publicly Linked Benghazi To Mohammed Film Even Before Navy SEALs Killed: WZ
Violent Britain: NRO
Iran Endorses Obama Pick Hagel for U.S. Secretary of Defense: Foundry
Georgetown Law professor: Hagel nomination a slap in the face to Israel's supporters: Matzav
Just to Be Safe, Put This Right Underneath Your Gun-Free Zone Sign: IMAO
Is Chuck Schumer a Friend of Israel? : Morris
20 Responses to a Liberal on Facebook: TPNN
USMC: Spouses clubs must admit same-sex spouses: ArmyTimes
Sci-Tech (courtesy
Researchers Reverse Engineer Fireflies To Make More Efficient LEDs: PopSciThe Orion Nebula as You’ve Never Seen it Before: Jaw-dropping New Image from Gemini: UniverseToday
Details of Eric Schmidt’s North Korea trip revealed: SlashGear
100 Great Quotes About Life And Living: RWNA Smaller Slice? I Ordered Pizza! Pizza!: MOTUS
Attack Vulnerability: Winter Soldier
Image: Release the kraken! 2,000 years of tall tales (and a smattering of truth)
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: February 8, 2013: Million Man March for the 2nd Amendment
QOTD: "I will accept no executive orders that reclassifies the most common and popular sporting rifle in America into a de facto “machine gun” just because a narcissist son of a drunken communist claims it is his right to do so.
I will not accept a ban on any firearms, or magazines from a self-absorbed Congress or any other imagined superior.
I will not give up one more cartridge, one more inch, or one more right so that statists in either party can constrict our liberties yet again in the false claim of safety, a claim that only serves their desire for absolute power without consequence." --Bob Owens
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