Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 1, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: Guns, Equality and a Land Where Thieves Rule the Night

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Guns, Equality and a Land Where Thieves Rule the Night: Howling
DOJ to Colorado Family: Give Up Your Religion or Your Business: CNS
Federal Court Slams Eric Holder's Anti-Voter ID Jihad: Adams

Democrats Drop Eight Anti-Gun People Control Bills On First Day: Cove
Gun-Running Administration Will Push Gun Control: RWN
WH Plans to Overwhelm NRA With Swift Gun Control Victory: GWP

This didn't happen: please ignore this post: Cold Fury
My Wife is a Hero: Blaze
Dem Proposal Would Allow Obama to Run Indefinitely: Sooper


Pelosi, Reid Back Obama Raising Debt Ceiling Unlawfully: Breitbart
Bush TARP Loans Repaid in Full With Billions in Interest: GWP
Here Comes The Student Loan Bailout: ZH

Missing: 19,000 Massachusetts Welfare Recipients: LoneCon
Simple Logic: Hillyer
Obama tax hike hits $30K worker harder than $500K one: Breitbart

Scandal Central

Email Scandal at the EPA: Fund
Was Fast and Furious Really About U.S. Supporting A Drug Cartel?: CDN
New Hampshire Legislator: We Need to 'Restrict Freedoms' of Conservatives: Breitbart

Climate & Energy

Northern Hemisphere Snow Was Greatest on Record in December …(Must Be Global Warming): GWP


7 Things You Need to Know About Al Jazeera: Beacon
If Current TV Was Worth $500 Million, How Is BuzzFeed Worth $200 Million?: RSM
Leno Asks Current TV’s Joy Behar ‘Osama Bin Laden Is Your New Boss?’: NB

LA Times Cites Claim by Pro-Gun Control Group As If It Were Neutral “Policy Center” on Guns: Patterico
On Dick Armey's Petulant Attacks on FreedomWorks: MenRec
CNN: 3 million Americans "hopelessly unemployed": Marathon

Al Gore Race-Baits $100 Million From 21st Century Axis Sally: Breitbart
“Alinsky Works For Us Now” Maybe On TeeVee!?!”: MOTUS
Alert: The Emperor Amendment Is Coming: 90 Miles


Discarding history: Hayom
Chinese ASAT Missile Test Looms: Beacon
US Irked by Google Chief's Plans to Visit North Korea: AP

Hagel: War for Oil: WS
Getting Dirty Getting bin Laden: RWN
Syrian president to give speech Sunday: Chron

Sci-Tech (courtesy

William Shatner’s Tweet and the Power of Art: ObjStd
Watch An Ultra Rare Lamborghini Reventon Roadster Go 193 MPH On A Runway: Jalopnik
Python purge: Florida contest turns public loose in Everglades: Fox


Welcome to the Second Annual Zilla Awards for Awesomeness in the Dextrosphere!: Zilla
If loving guns is wrong, I don't want to be right: AWD
People's Cube Inspires the Democratic Socialist Party!: Cube

Image: CAIR asks journalists to stop using the word 'Islamist'
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Damn It, Jim, I’m a Blogger!

QOTD: "[CAIR’s communications director] Hooper’s demand that “Islamist” be removed from the lexicon is ironic, since his bosses seemed more than comfortable placing themselves firmly in the world of “Islamists” back in 1993. CAIR founders Omar Ahmad and Nihad Awad joined two dozen Hamas supporters in Philadelphia for a fall weekend in an urgent meeting called to discuss ways to “derail” the U.S.-brokered Oslo Accords.

The FBI bugged the meeting room. Transcripts entered into evidence during a 2008 Hamas-financing trial show the participants referred to “Islamists” dozens of times. Ahmad helped lead the meeting, helping determine who might attend and calling it to order.

The FBI described the group as Hamas members and supporters. “Hamas’ agenda was not only to eliminate Israel,” prosecutors wrote, “but also to sabotage the Oslo Accords and to replace the secular PA regime with an Islamist government that would control all of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.”" --Steven Emerson, IPT

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