Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 1, 2013

HILARITY: Obama Voters Stunned to Find Their Paychecks Smaller

When it comes to the federal leviathan devouring larger and larger chunks of our economy, ignorance ain't bliss:

A friend forwarded this memo from his HR department:

Subject: 2013 Payroll Taxes
To: All Employees

We have received a number of inquiries regarding changes to 2013 payroll taxes. As a company we must deduct payroll taxes as directed by the government. Our payroll provider has provided detailed information that you may use as you review your first paycheck of 2013. You can find this at the following link:

Apparently a lot of people were complaining about their paychecks being unexpectedly smaller.

Here's the explanation from ADP:

The reduced 4.2% rate for employee Social Security taxes that was in effect for 2011 and 2012 has expired. The employee Social Security tax rate will return to 6.2% for 2013 wages up to the taxable wage limit of $113,700. Consequently, employees' net pay under the taxable wage limit will decrease accordingly. The maximum Social Security tax that an employee would pay will be $7,049.40 for 2013.

And as it turns out, workers making $30,000 will take a bigger hit on their pay than those earning $500,000!

But the funniest message of the day came from one of the kooks at Democratic Underground (since deleted from sheer embarrassment), to which Jim Treacher responded:

The term "useful idiots" was invented to describe these schmucks who continually vote for their own destruction.

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