The Top 10 Things to Say to an Obama Voter Who Just Got Laid Off: RWNDeMint’s move and the growing frustration inside the GOP: Exam
Boehner could face conservative challenger for Speaker: DC
What Does "Let it Burn" Mean?: Ace
Obama to America: I Won’t Compromise on Taxes: AIM
House leadership concerned Price will challenge Boehner for Speaker: Hill
Legal vs. Illegal Aliens: Burning PlatformGallup Poll Visualizes Effect of Obamacare: Mish
The Fed is Killing the U.S. Economy: Daily Ticker
Medical Device Tax: Immoral and Impractical: ObjStd
Obama's Untenable Position on Taxes, Growth: Villainous
Santelli: "All They're After Is Your Bucks!": ZH
Understanding $16,000,000,000,000 in Debt: AT
Surprise! President Obama Slams Michigan's Right-to-Work Effort: Reason
New insurance fee in health overhaul law likely to hit consumers: Fox
Scandal Central
Benghazi Terrorists Were Armed By Obama: GWPJeanine Pirro Blasts Hillary For Benghazi Cover-up – Skewers Obama For His Weakness on Syria: Nice Deb
Does Obama ever stop campaigning? Has he made a “Fiscal Cliff” counteroffer?: GayPatriot
Climate & Energy
Climate Conference Ends in Disgrace: MeadGraph: The `green energy' implosion: Malkin
Doha post mortem – some green activists ‘close to despair’: Watts
Liberal NYT Columnist Nicholas Kristof: Gee, Maybe Eternal Government Dependency Isn't Helpful: AceCelebration: The NYTimes Finally Admitted Reaganomics Worked: Publius
Peter Schiff: Majority Doesn't "Have A Right To Steal My Money Just Because They Voted For It": RCP
New York Times Sells A Bridge, Then Buys A Map: Kesler
Trouble In Paradise, Susan Rice Edition: JOM
The Spot-On Quote Of The Day…: Camp o' the Saints
Welfare State Advocate Spews Inaccuracies on PBS NewsHour: CDN
So-called journalist Chuck Todd refers to ‘so-called’ right-to-work legislation: Twitchy
Former Jesse Jackson Jr. staffer big fan of dwarves, pornography: NakedDC
‘Courage, Skill, and Patriotism’: Navy SEAL Dies Rescuing American Hostage From the Taliban: BlazeGround Zero Mosque Update: No ‘Community Center,’ Just a Mosque: Bruce
UN Hosts Art Depicting Palestine as All of Israel: Breitbart
"Widespread Traditional Practice": An Islamic Crime: FPM
What happened when the Brits decided to raise taxes on their ‘evil one percent’?: Scoop
Move Over, Michigan, China Is The World's Next Rust Belt: Forbes
‘The Last of the Just’ in Belgium: Simon
Another Strange Communism Headline from NYT: 'Halcyon Days Of Failed Ideals' in E. Germany: MRC
French socialists seem surprised, upset that wealthy actor has decided to jump ship: Hot Air
Sci-Tech (courtesy
Australian police warn not to use Apple Maps: ZDNetBypassing Two-Factor Authentication: Schneier
Google Reportedly Dodged $2 Billion in Taxes With Bermuda Tax Haven: Mashable
So Much in Common: V the KHonolulu after Pearl Harbor: A report published for the first time, 71 years later: WaPo
‘Star Trek Into Darkness’: Sequel preview; villain still a mystery: LAT
Image: Getty Images, via V the K
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Take the Taxpayer Protection Pledge
QOTD: "First of all, I'm in the top two percent. Right now, I'm paying 45% of my total income in income taxes, both to the state of Connecticut and to the federal government, and if you take the 3% Medicare tax. After the tax hikes go into effect next year, more than half -- more than half of my total income is going to go to the government. You tell me, what's fair about that when medieval serfs pay 25%, I'm paying half? I don't care what the majority voted to do, they don't have a right to steal my money just because they vote for it.
...You know what the wealthy are going to do? They're going to invest more abroad, they're not going to work as hard, they're not going to pay as much in taxes, they're not going to employ as many people. Their employees are going to pay all the taxes." --Peter Schiff
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