Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 12, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Republican House better not abandon 59,142,004 voters

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Republican House better not abandon 59,142,004 voters: LI
The trouble with being dependent on the government: Elephant
DeMint stepping down; SC Gov. Haley to appoint replacement: Malkin

Oops: Howard Dean admits everyone needs to pay higher taxes: Ace
Mutiny Against Boo-Hoo Boehner: MB
Obamacare is not a sure thing: Schlafly

It’s Time To Turn the Tables on this Presidential Bully: DLim
Republicans Miss the Point on ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Debate: Rasmussen
Maybe it is all about race: Instapundit


Michigan, Yes Michigan, Passes Right To Work Law: Ace
Obama to GOP on debt ceiling: “I will not play that game”: Hot Air
Exposing Washington’s Dishonest Budget Math: Cato

Carney: Not sure how many Dems support Obama’s ‘deficit’ plan: Malkin
Hey, Fat Cat Unions: Pay Your “Fair Share”: Malkin
Unions Attempt to Embrace Democracy, by Preventing Vote: Hideout

Scandal Central

Update on Obama's gun running schemes to Arab "rebels"...: WinSol
Democrat Gun-Grabber Donne Trotter’s Fake ‘Security Guard’ Job: Publius
Dean Exposes Obama's Need For Middle Class Tax Hike: IBD

Climate & Energy

Global Warming Skeptic Marc Morano Debates Bill Nye the Science Guy on Climate Change: NB
Lord Monckton Evicted from UN Climate Summit After Challenging Global Warming: RtPlanet
Obamahaus: DC


When Will Republicans Finally Tell The Media They're Not Getting More Subsidies?: Ace
See B.S. From CBS CEO: Driscoll
Krauthammer: Obama can lie with such surety, cold-bloodedness that I almost admire him: Scoop

PJTV Exclusive: How NBC Editors Made the Zimmerman 911 Call Sound Racist: Tatler
George Zimmerman Suing NBC For Selectively Editing 911 Call to Make Him Sound Racist: MenRec
Mark Levin blasts libcaller who wants rich to pay 50% tax rate: Scoop

Rapper Big Boi On Obama: Warns “Our Freedoms Are Getting Taken Away”: GWP
Costas continues his anti-gun jihad: AWD
Unexpectedly, Crowder Finds That Random Dems Espouse Conservative Ideas: RSM


Keep the Aspidistra Flying: Driscoll
Russian Paper Compares Obama's Fools to Stalin's Fools: Reagan Coalition
Jewish students fleeing University of Edinburgh in fear: Matzav

The incompetence and corruption at the heart of the United Nations exposed: CDN
Blind Sheik Would Be Proud Of Egypt's New Constitution: IBD
UNbelievable: Watch how the UN treats Syria with your own eyes: Matzav

Sci-Tech (courtesy

Ubuntu Linux and Windows 8: Head-to-Head at Last: LinuxInsider
Leaked: ITU's secret Internet surveillance standard discussion draft: Boing Boing
Do Devs Need Custom Linux Laptops? Dell Thinks So: ADTmag


Makin’ Bacon: Detroit Style: MOTUS
This Is the Freakiest, Most Perfect Artificial Eyeball I’ve Ever See: Gizmodo
Romney campaign had $25.7 million left after U.S. election: Reuters

Image: Atlas Shrugs
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Climate Depot

QOTD: "Referring to the market turmoil in Europe over the need for tax and spending reform, [former Senator Alan] Simpson said: "We are the healthiest horse in the glue factory."

"Just a single piece of paper will get the markets off our case," Simpson said. "Germany has a plan – it's not in writing but it's a plan, so the markets don't bother them. France is stumbling. If they don't write something on the back of a piece of paper soon, why that will be the core of Europe begin to rot out. And this all affects us."

Asked by Fortune what advice he would give middle class investors who wonder whether they should sell stocks before the end of the year, Simpson demurred: "I wouldn't advise anybody to do anything, but I can tell you now and before Dec. 31, I think "hunker" would be a hell of a word." --Allan Dodds Frank

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