Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 12, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: How you can fire Speaker Boehner

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How you can fire Speaker Boehner: RS
The Big Lie Department: Liberty's Torch
The Deepest Source of our Troubles: Rahe

Terrorism in Arizona: Q&O
Before Planning to Oust Boehner,..: Barrack
Anniversary and Cautionary Lesson: SSI


The Message of Welfare: 'No, You Can't': FW
Unemployment Rate Lower At 7.7%: ZH
The Great American Ripoff: Welfare spending : WS

Union Goons React Calmly As Michigan Becomes Right-to-Work: JWF
No recession in goverment: public sector unemployment at 3.8%: CNS
Work-A-Geddon: Preparing for ObamaCare: Designs on Talent

The U.S. Postal Service vs. Greece: Cato
50 million Americans condemned to poverty in 2012: ECN
TA-DA! Small Business Owners' Hiring Intent Plunges to 2008 Lows: Mish

Scandal Central

WH May Have Provided Weapons Used to Kill Amb. Stevens: MB
Obamanomics Update: Deficit already at $292 billion for fiscal 2013: HySci
WaPo pays 2013 dividends now to avoid tax increases championed by president the paper endorsed: Malkin

Climate & Energy

Bummer: New Science Shows Greenland Ice Loss Much Less Than Warmists Computer Models Show: RWN
GM Hypes Chevy Volt's Insignificant 100 Millionth Mile: NLPC
What's the EPA smoking?: Times


Podcast: David Limbaugh on what conservatives can do about the GOP: Bruce
NBC's Williams Fantasizes Over Change in Constitution Allowing Obama to Control Business by Fiat: NB
WH Petition Demands Obama Cancel Hawaii Vacation: Dossier

Blanking Bradley Manning: NYT and AP Launch Operation Amnesia: Floyd
Allen West: Negotiating With “Marxist, Socialist, Rigid Ideologue” Barack Obama Is “Silly”: WZ
Gangnam Style singer -- invited to White House -- rapped about killing American soldiers: Malkin

Not News: Food Stamp Use Spiked in September; Pre-Election Number Revised Up: BizzyBlog
Jonathan Chait: Why Yes, Liberals Do Competely Control The Media: Ace
Rush: Obama is desperate to get Republicans to admit tax cuts caused the economic crisis: Scoop

Hey, Let's Seceede Or Start a Revolution... Said the Left in 2005: Ace
William & Kate have nothing on Obama: Steyn
The Court Predator: Steyn


Syria's WMDs came from Iraq: Will the Left Apologize to Bush?: IBD
France Taxes America: Morris
American Babylonia: INN

Senior al-Qaida leader killed in drone strike in Pakistan, jihadis, US officials say: Jawa
Qur'anic truth comes to the New York subways: JihadWatch
Brotherhood leader urges Egyptians to disown violence after deadly clashes: Fox

Sci-Tech (courtesy

MIT professor: Windows 8 is a Christmas gift for 'someone you hate': ZDNet
Google to Rein In Free Version of Software: AllThingsD
Printed gun fails after 6 shots: 'Ma Deuce' wasn't built (or printed) in a day: SSI


Obama Creates New Atmospheric Agency: Diogenes
It’s a question of right and wrong: JPA
Real Gangsters Threaten Life Of Fake Gangster: TSG

Image: Weasel Zippers
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Sipsey Street Irregulars

QOTD: "Montesquieu did not foresee a society like our own -- where general prosperity has had a propensity to produce a relaxation of the moral discipline encouraged by the market -- but he provides the tools for its analysis.

Tocqueville was less confident than was Montesquieu. He lived in an age in which socialism had already reared its ugly head, and he discerned in his fellow Frenchmen a taste for servility. He feared that there might be a general descent into presentmindedness, and he anticipated Friedrich Nietzsche's vision of the last man -- who would be so satisfied with his little pleasure in the morning and his little pleasure in the evening that he would think of nothing else." --Paul Rahe

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